Last seen: April 8, 2022 2:51 pm
Hi curiousben, another way to quickly detect pivots is my tool Peek-a-boo: viewtopic.php?f=81&t=3255 I also have a tool to automatically create…
Oops, I forgot to post the links: viewtopic.php?f=81&t=4040
Hi beijinghouse, I fully agree with you that AZDecrypt is a fantastic and very effective tool. Even though your post is mainly addressed to Jarlve, I…
I’ve done some tests with different self-created ciphers. I used transpose P19 and some diagonal transpositions. From these ciphers I generated heat m…
Here are the heatmaps: z340 unmodified z340 resized to 20×17 In the upper image you can see z340 unmodified. In the second image z340 was r…
On this image you can see again what the shifting of the cipher to the left causes. In the unmodified z340, a P19 transposition causes the reversed D …
Happy new year! This is once again one of those coincidences…I couldn’t sleep well a few days ago and promptly z340 haunted my head. (Not a good th…
Hi curiousben, Very thoughtful and clean work in my opinion. Thank you very much for your contribution. I agree with smokie, thanks for your contr…
Mystery cipher: I only tried it for a quarter of an hour. Unfortunately I don’t have the time at the moment. My (few) tests suggest that a rotation …
Thank you both very much for this really remarkable work. Being able to exclude this theory is a really important aspect. I have followed the threads …
What are the average raw ioc for your test ciphers at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% cycle randomization? Here are the results: Only ciphers with Raw IOC &…
Abnormal distribution of data. Your mean is 0.0001716 while the minimum is 0. That creates an extremely left skewed distribution curve. To be honest …
Yep. Cycles increase the odds of having longer n-grams occur through period 1 to 170. Though the phenomena is still unlikely. That’s really interest…
I ran my own test that just returns the longest n-gram repeat found. About 1 in 5000 randomizations have a 5-gram or better closely matching your own …
And immediately the TODO has opened again. If I had read correctly, I would have seen that it is about the number of ngrams at different periods. I th…