For what it’s worth, this is what I felt from the Zodiac Killer: Requires a log-in. Personally, I don’t outright dismiss the possibility that psy…
Yes, here is everything I felt around the Zodiac Killer. I’m just now seeing this, as I haven’t had time to login lately. If I feel anything else (whi…
I have been a bit absent from the boards of late, but still doing some research. Being originally from the Binghamton with a lot of family still there…
I’m a psychic, and that’s how I stumbled upon the Zodiac case. I didn’t really know what I was seeing, until I started researching the case. Then I th…
Maybe the killer got nervous at first, thinking about his handwriting, so he typed it instead. The Bates had to die letter was sloppy and looked like …
PS- I’m thinking that he really didn’t know how to make a bomb. He said he was swamped out by that rain a while back, and the bomb was a dud. I’m not …
Great idea. The "rock salt" symbol could also be what was used for the 8’s in the name cipher. No one has ever come up with a good explanat…
I agree. I know there’s people out there, that would try to pass it off. I sure wouldn’t try to pass it off. I, myself would make sure it was authenti…
Also, I see "word salad" in this poem. It’s a way some schizophrenics communicate. Their thinking isn’t exactly organized. Google up word s…
Here’s my take on the Desktop "Poem": very probably it was written sometime between September and December, 1966, and discovered by a custod…
Well, I am glad to hear you chime in about your psychic stuff, and although skeptical about psychics in general, in a case like this, it does not hurt…
Earl Van Best wasn’t the Zodiac. I felt like, the book is all about money. It’s about making a dollar. I don’t even feel Earl murdered anyone, and I …