Zodiac Discussion Forum

Trusted Member
Joined: March 27, 2021 2:30 am
Last seen: June 29, 2023 4:40 am
Topics: 7 / Replies: 71
Re: Creation of a Serial Killer: An Ingenious Misdirection

Plus, their trip to Berryessa was a last minute thing. Nobody else knew they were going there except them.

4 years ago
Re: Creation of a Serial Killer: An Ingenious Misdirection

The Zodiac killer knew Cecelia Ann Shepard that much is clear. I don’t see how that’s possible when Cecelia clearly got a good view face on of the Zod…

4 years ago
Re: Who’s your favorite suspect(s) and why?

My favorite suspect right now is Don Cheney. There are a lot of red flags with that guy. Why on Earth would he say that he licked Leigh’s stamps and…

4 years ago
Re: Who’s your favorite suspect(s) and why?

1. Richard Gaikowski – His strong connections to both Stine & Darlene, his strong handwriting similarities, his radical beliefs, and various other…

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

Actually, no suspect has any evidence linking them to any of the crimes, Also, name one suspect who has a strong connection to both Stine and Darlene …

4 years ago
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