The most intriguing thing about this is (if it’s true) – why the hell would some stranger try and get a lift by saying they were involved in a shootin…
Great stuff Morf and Richard. Looking forward to it.
Let’s assume that he’s dead. That can happen in many ways. He might have been hit by a car. At least one suspect was. He may have succumbed to pro…
The watch brand is the most obvious origin for Zodiac’s use of the cross circle symbol. Though the symbol was erroneously linked to the 1960 13 Ghost…
That’s because the alchemical symbol for the Zodiac is the same ‘crosshair’ symbol ⨁ . The watch’s brand draws on that. In the pre-heliocentric mode…
Or, alternatively, a watch with the exact same name and logo (as described by Hartnell), a 3, 6 and 9 and with a key selling feature as having ’17’ ge…
Some interesting observations here. These signs represent twelve earthbound ghosts necessary to gain access to the Ocularis Infernum. This is a…