Just an FYI Napa is absolutely on the way to lake beryessa from Vallejo. I don’t know how some one would go to beryessa from vallejo with out going t…
maybe it is a word find within the code.
So have the prints referenced in this article (and the police reports) been compared to each other? ie do the prints of interests all appear to have …
Bayarea60’s One of the things that struck me when originally reading all the police reports was the sheer number of people who thought their uncle/br…
Smithy: Is this doubting an ongoing personal problem or specific to this case? If it is specific to the Zodiac I would enjoy hearing your doubts.
I am pretty sure one of the detectives confirmed he was sitting in the front seat. You know you read so many police and fbi reports that at some poin…
Mike M did identify a picture of ALA as the shooter. According to the other site when he was asked why he did’t identify him earlier he said he was n…
Oddly enough I think Faraday had on more than one pair of pants as well. At least I remember thinking what is it with these guys. I will probably re…
If Fouke recognized the man in a biblical way he might not have wanted people to know. It was a different time then. So rather than risk the man reco…