Last seen: October 15, 2021 6:49 pm
@chaucer The whole Welsh ancestry thing I had forgotten about. It just makes me wonder, my SO is 100% Welsh, he’s traced his family tree (techn…
I had a crazy thought the other day on the "errors" in the code key while reviewing old information. The weird Q pointing downward that the …
Nice find! This mentions he attended "princeton theological seminary." In the past there were mentions he had something to do with "y…
I had posted this elsewhere, but it fits well here. I apologize for some of the repetitions of information but I think his stamping habits lead to som…
I thought a woman he was living with alibied him, and her name does exist on this blog but she won’t talk to anyone now. I would be curious how soon …
Had originally posted in the Welcome feed, and was asked to repost here, no time right now to read whole thread but hope I didn’t repeat too much: I …
Welcome! I found it interesting, if you watched the recent documentary series, one of the main investigators actually said he was going to Washington…
Jarl and Geoff, You will both be missed and thank you for all the contributions you have both made as they continue to pull me down the rabbit hole…..
Hi Largo! First, I want to say I have used your Peek-a-Boo program and its really fun and helpful for many things. I also use Jarl’s. I am amazed at …
Hey Jarl and Largo, I’ve mostly been lurking working on some other cipher stuff but realized I might have some info for Magic Squares. I while ago of…
While perhaps not much help as it only contains Ross’s signature, don’t forget it on his selective service card- viewtopic.php?p=52514#p52514 -m
Maple was also in Paul’s log. It was either a mistake by the investigator or he was remembering the other taxi murders mentioned on the original want…
Now to hear the investigator state that, to me it calls into question where the info of Maple came from. It came from Zodiac. Oh ya, interesting. I…