Zodiac Discussion Forum

Honorable Member
Joined: May 29, 2015 5:59 am
Topics: 9 / Replies: 634
Re: Zodiac Got Overlook

I have mentioned marvin martian and foghorn leghorn… I’m just not seeing it……

5 years ago
Re: Did Zodiac get whacked out?

Midnight Rambler just doesn’t understand. There’s no fool like an old fool. Tom made a very good point and asked you a valid question which you canno…

5 years ago
Re: Did Zodiac get whacked out?

Lake Berryessa was not Z evolving his persona – it is a pure and simple outlier in virtually every conceivable way. A completely different MO; a diff…

5 years ago
Re: Did Zodiac get whacked out?

The idea the Lake Berryessa attacker was not the original Zodiac Killer lacks credibility. Would would a second killer bother to carry out this impost…

5 years ago
Re: Did Zodiac get whacked out?

I think the "real" Zodiac was responsible for LHR, BRS, and PH, and that the attack at LB was a different person. There are many reasons, b…

5 years ago
Re: Sitting In the Front Seat

Can’t speak for Tom and he may know the answer to your question. As for Zodiac saying about fake clews. I said this awhile back and think Zodiac reall…

5 years ago
Re: Sitting In the Front Seat

Zodiac claimed he wiped the cab down to leave fake clews. I believe he meant that he wiped the cab to give the impression he might have left fingerpri…

5 years ago
Re: The Herb Caen fanatic (zodiac copycat)

One of the reasons this really looks like a copy-cat is this: The writer, like Z, crosses out a word and then uses a different word. However, I can’…

5 years ago
Re: The Herb Caen fanatic (zodiac copycat)

One of the reasons this really looks like a copy-cat is this: The writer, like Z, crosses out a word and then uses a different word. However, I can’…

5 years ago
Re: Tire tracks at Lake Berryessa

From the Peek Through The Pines card/what’s written on the pines card thread, Aug. 26, 2019: Yeah you’re right about that. I come up with a lot of t…

5 years ago
Re: Rootless hair DNA – relevant to Zodiac

I’m quite sure that a GoFundMe for this testing would produce solid results. I know I’d contribute. I would think Netflix, or even some independent p…

5 years ago
Re: Kaczynski, the Harvard Experiments and MK- ULTRA

Pretty soon it’s going be 2020. It took 50 years to prove Albert DeSalvo was the Boston strangler. law enforcement knew he was the strangler in 1964. …

5 years ago
Re: Peek-A-Boo High School Yearbook

My grandfather was born in 1892 so I have a much better understanding of the English language then most anybody else alive. I’m not in the top 2 or 3…

5 years ago
Re: Gaik’s age – the exorcist letter

Gaikowski was born on March 14, 1936, not May 14. "me = 37" could mean Zodiac is telling us he is 37 years old. That’s a good observation. …

6 years ago
Re: ‘Hello It’s Me’ Letter Discusson

My suspect drove a small red Toyota truck with a plate "GA REBEL".That was seen in the early 90’s. I have one picture of him driving that t…

6 years ago
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