Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: March 30, 2014 6:07 pm
Topics: 7 / Replies: 25
Re: Hello from the Netherlands

Welcome, and look forward to hearing more about your theory:)

11 years ago
Re: Hello Everyone

Welcome Michelle

11 years ago
Re: West Mesa Murders

I had never read about the West Mesa murders. Man that was some sad reading.

11 years ago
Re: Kray brothers

I have seen a movie here in the US about the Kray brothers but, I knew nothing about the others you mentioned. Thanks for sharing.

11 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 794
11 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 702
Re: Zodiac Victims in other states?

There have been some Zodiac-like attacks in other states over the years. Could Z have moved away to another state after he went silent, and continued …

11 years ago
Re: Symbol on the Halloween Card.

I found this, and thought it was interesting. In that VF corp owned Lee Jeans, and Wrangler. They acquired Lee Jeans in 1969. Odd no Lee factory …

11 years ago
Re: Why do you think the Zodiac wore the "Hood"?

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts on this. for me this particular murder was always so much stranger to me,then the others. Like a lot of us, …

11 years ago
Re: Public information

This is a good idea, morf! I look at those drawings, and damn they look so like two completely different people! And I am not one of the people that…

11 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 771
Re: Lake Herman Rd Crime Scene Photos

It may just be me, but it bothers me that they drew David Faraday’s body outline before he was dead, or put in the ambulance.

11 years ago
Re: Today’s visit to Lake Herman Road

Isn’t that the road to the shooting range on the other side of the crime scene gate? From what I can tell it looks like the crime scene near the top o…

11 years ago
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