Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: June 17, 2016 6:39 am
Topics: 4 / Replies: 23
Re: Tyre tracks

That is from Unmasked. I have located the section you started the thread with in the Robert Graysmith-Zodiac book. It states "Tyre tracks showed…

8 years ago
Re: The "Confession" Letter

Here is a better pic: It might actually read "victon"

8 years ago
Re: The "Confession" Letter

Here is a better pic: It might actually read "victon"

8 years ago
Re: Tyre tracks

This is what Napa County Sheriff’s Department detective Ken Narlow said "Dr. Clifton Rayfield, an ophthalmologist, and his son, David, had parked…

8 years ago
Re: Tyre tracks

Thanks for his name, I’ll look more up about it

8 years ago
Re: Would Zodiac have been interested in other serial killer

I wouldn’t think he’d go so far as to turn up at trial but who knows, others wonder if he turned up at his victim’s funerals. For sure they were influ…

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 3013
Re: Jack The Ripper’s Stationary

Recently, I bought a copy of Cornwell’s book, "Portrait Of A Killer" because the subject interests me, and the book only cost fifty cents at…

8 years ago
Re: Jack The Ripper’s Stationary

They did a very similar thing to Zodiac with a partial DNA profile found under the stamp of one of those ripper letters, the one researchers felt was …

8 years ago
Re: Long Island Serial Killer

up until recently the dark minds documentary on youtube was the newest thing I’d found on LISK. Here are two more documentaries / shows listed in a re…

8 years ago
Re: Has handwriting spawned a new suspect?

I wish they’d have included a picture of the father’s handwriting for us all to see. Things stay quiet and just as you’re starting to lose faith in th…

8 years ago
Re: The Psychology of Penmanship

"Does the Zodiac’s handwriting look creepy to me because the writing itself is creepy? Or does it look creepy to me because I know it belongs to …

8 years ago
Re: hello

I must admit, as one who is usually 100% against guys like the one in the link, there is a small part of me that feels sympathy. The thing is, it was…

8 years ago
Re: Joe C Stine Paul Stine’s brother address in Napa/Vallejo

I’ve always wondered about this. Most witnesses described him as heavy set so I’ve always imagined Z as being a bit of a bruiser. However, that Presid…

8 years ago
8 years ago
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