Last seen: June 27, 2023 3:26 am
Does anyone else find the spacing in between words and symbols odd? Kinda like the spacing in Zodiac’s handwriting?
1. Who is the Zodiac (your favorite/most likely suspect)? 2. Did Zodiac kill Cheri Jo Bates? 3. Did Zodiac send the Albany letters? 4. Is Donna Lass a…
Its possible she knew him, but even if she didn’t, I think she was saying boy to try drumming up empathy for him. A college age male is not a boy and …
Any new evidence?
Not when dealing with a hypothetical question. I think it goes without saying that if they match his DNA to the DNA found on CJB then he’s good for t…
Not when dealing with a hypothetical question.
Finding his dna on a murder victim would change that, right?
I read it as someone fantasizing about committing murder and just wait till next time is a threat of it not being a fantasy. Also, I saw somewhere th…
If zodiac was "creepy" or a "loner" then why would Cheri jo Bates accept his offer for help, or go alone with him? If Ross was Zod…
I have to admit, I find this to be one of the creepier similarities… The e is identical. Swoops up, thick top corner, light top and the upstrok…
I didn’t know they went downstairs, but I’d still favor his despite not being 100% sold on it either. They were still seeing him at some distance in t…
PH witnesses had him at 5-8—-5-10 and around 200 lbs.–stocky. They were upstairs, across the street and at night. Bryan was right in front of him i…
For what it’s worth, I have always walked with a shuffling, bent over gait and my head down. People have taken the piss out of me all my life over it….
… That is incredibly close. Also, Seracuse? I doubt he misspelled it on purpose.