I don’t think order/location of the symbols is necessarily the issue preventing a solution from being found. I have entered the various possibilities …
Also notice the [Box symbol – G] I talked about earlier has now evolved into [Zodiac symbol – box symbol -G] on two occasions and a variation of it we…
Interesting, thanks for the reply’s. Today I’ve been looking at why every 19th symbol throws certain patterns up but doesn’t produce text. I still wan…
Doing a bit of number crunching, got cryptool set on really wide parameters and I’ve converted every letter and symbol into numerical values. It will …
I took the liberty to run what you proposed thru substitution deciphers. No dice. However, i suspect the symbols that don’t shift #1,3,5,7,9,11,13,1…
This is where I am so far Not sure about reverse L could be W or K
It’s mimicking the 408 Cipher W and P are E Cipher I is P
Cipher reverse D is N Cipher N is G Boy oh boy we have ‘killing’ now its decoding faster than 408
Oh my Lordy, I’m really moving now, For those interested Box’s represent L like the 408 Cipher G represents L, Cipher K and reverse K represent K C…
Who’s going to be the first over the line? The race is on and remember you saw it here first so when some clown appears on the news with it, you know …
You have A representing two different letters, and N also representing two different letters. With that type of freedom you can construct almost any n…
Yeah. LOL We will see