Last seen: October 20, 2021 11:41 am
Interesting. Don’t know anything about it.
It’s the 1960s. There are no VCRs (or not many). There are few if any options for stopping and restarting movies. You can’t really find Easter eggs. …
The thing is, we have a sort of control group of criminal poetry to compare it to. Bonnie Parker, by all accounts a good student, wrote The Ballad o…
They’re not unsophisticated. The precise degree of sophistication has a lot to do with the yard stick we use to measure it. Perhaps it should be put t…
The thing that stands out to me about the poem ….. Zodiac appears to have writing talent (if it is him). When most lay people write poetry, they u…
The Dumler family murder. Cincinnati, Oct. 23, 1969. Same date as the Sims murders three years later (EDIT: or close). Three dead. Affluent husband. A…
A few last notes before I take a break (hopefully) – Both Bell and Howell and Monsanto produced "technical reports" for NASA in the mid-Si…
Greaaaat. The Apollo 13 mission was caused by an explosion in the oxygen tank. Who made the oxygen tank?
By fire? I’m not a big conspiracy guy. But NASA had a series of space flight issues in 1966 and 1967, ending at the fatal Apollo 1 fire during tes…
I’ve mentioned Convair with regard to this research. They were a division of General Dynamics focused on aerospace. Convair was based in San Diego. Th…
The biography of Joseph Bates says he worked at Lockheed in the early 1960s. Lockheed has a few big red-letter possible links. Understanding again, …
Anyone looking for a weird proto-hippie military-industrial company located in Santa Barbara and owned by Hughes Aircraft? I give you the Santa Barb…
Of the Midwest murders, The Robison case has the best case against a local suspect. If what the cops say is true. There’s no possibility, one would no…
A little more on VTP: This is a 1958 company catalog.
So I confirmed Hughes in Oceanside in a government report online. Hughes Aircraft owned a company called Vacuum Tube Products Inc. in Oceanside. Hughe…