Very nicely done, morf, congrats! -Nin
It could be just the context of the time. We can’t know for sure but I wonder if the people who suggested that were aware of the name, even with "…
Some more info about the call box system and the keys used:
LOL, hey NIN, glad to see you How do you do that? Good to be back, thanks. -Nin
I feel the need to reintroduce myself after receiveing a pm to do so – I think. So, hello. It’s me : You took a first-class trip to Paris You danc…
.. It won’t be long before you earn your stripes.
Welcome, Zebra, and looking forward to more info. Every detail counts. -Nin
..or he followed them from the rummage sale in St Helena. Not far fetched, especially as Bryan initially left Cecilia at the sale to transport a TV se…
Thats why they think Z was poor, because tire tracks right behind Bryan’s car indicated poorly worn mismatched tires ..Or he used someone else’s car …
Yes. Trav.
Do we know anything about the "Edward" mentioned in the LB police report on page 19? EDWARD ….., former Pacific Union College student -…
Go ahead and post Nin about your suspect, you can start with no name, just descriptions. I believe as you, that Zodiac dropped the persona long ago, h…