Zodiac Discussion Forum

Active Member
Joined: January 6, 2021 12:53 am
Topics: 1 / Replies: 6
Re: AZdecrypt 1.19b

Ok, sorry, I found by myself, from a help text file in AZDecrypt package. So I made a program to extract them. Frequencies logarithms are coded in 0-2…

3 years ago
Re: AZdecrypt 1.19b

Hello I am trying to use the n-grams provided with the AZDecrypt package. I want to use with another decrypter I made myself (in Python) specialized …

3 years ago
Re: Homophonic Solvers in C++ and Java

And the Z340 (already transposed) – not always as fast is in this example – ================================================== i hope you are having …

3 years ago
Re: Homophonic Solvers in C++ and Java

Python program (about 1000 lines) Powerful PC 10 processes So fater all, the explanations from Mr Reichmann were not that bad ! thanks ===============…

3 years ago
Re: Homophonic Solvers in C++ and Java

What is a decent, clear way of rating a clear text (for an homophonic attack for instance) ? Let’s admit it is composed of "ngram quality" …

3 years ago
Re: Homophonic Solvers in C++ and Java

Hello, I would like a few enlightenment here. I am following the same path as f.reichmann, but in python (I am a python enthusiast). I followed the…

3 years ago