Zodiac Discussion Forum

Prominent Member
Joined: April 6, 2013 9:10 am
Topics: 20 / Replies: 837
Re: Ross and Tim Sullivan Picture

According to a guy he went to Highschool with, the photo is confirmed to be Ross. It at least proves Ross would have longer hair at times.

4 years ago
Re: Worst suspect ever

and the timing of him being outside and something else I read about his behavior make him interesting. The timing of him being outside around the tim…

4 years ago
Re: Episode 8 is out now

At the end of the episode, it’s important to remember a few things. Even if he could have copied a misspelling, the people who promote these copycat i…

4 years ago
Re: Thoughts on the 340 solution

Transposed the first block (17×9) according to a mathematical scheme This isn’t a valid explanation. What scheme? You are quick to dismiss a complete…

4 years ago
Re: The 340 is a Skytale Cipher!

Use common sense, what is more realistic to decipher: A) Apply key, reverse shifts, decrypt skytale 9 turn. or B) Read diagonal down one, over two,…

4 years ago
Re: The 340 is a Skytale Cipher!

Before this thread gets out of hand, people should be aware that what was used was a form of "route cipher" (one-down, two-to-right) that ju…

4 years ago
Re: The 340 is a Skytale Cipher!

Here is how the 340 cipher was constructed. Everything here is basic stuff found in the book "Codes and Ciphers" and does not require a comp…

4 years ago
Re: The 340 is a Skytale Cipher!

Here is how the 340 cipher was constructed. Everything here is basic stuff found in the book "Codes and Ciphers" and does not require a comp…

4 years ago
Re: The 340 is a Skytale Cipher!

Those shifts (incremented by 2 on each next line) make up for period 19 transposition. If the period used for transposition was 17, that would result …

4 years ago
Re: The 340 is a Skytale Cipher!

Here is how the 340 cipher was constructed. Everything here is basic stuff found in the book "Codes and Ciphers" and does not require a comp…

4 years ago
Re: Stay tuned

Perhaps this may be of some aid to you, QT. Section One: I R O N C A O O I I E R G R T M L E C H E T T A T N W N N I A A B W E I T E O H S R T W …

4 years ago
Re: The 340 is a Skytale Cipher!

First Notes on Original vs Corrected Version (Original on top of Corrected) Keyed plaintext (First 9 lines with mistakes as it appears on 340) IRONCA…

4 years ago
Re: The 340 is a Skytale Cipher!


4 years ago
Re: The 340 is a Skytale Cipher!

I don’t think it is a Skytale cipher because Skytale is 1-dimensional and the reading rule in Z340 is 2-dimensional. It is just that it all comes dow…

4 years ago
Re: The 340 is a Skytale Cipher!

I just noticed this and I don’t think it’s just a mere coincidence: As early as August 10th 1969, Professor D.C.B. Marsh of the American Cryptogram A…

4 years ago
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