I don’t mean to steer away from the main thread, but I like to look at all the crimes to maybe fill in the pieces missing in the others. So in the cas…
Hello, Besides the 2 newspaper photo’s, Are there any better pictures of Johnny Ray Swindle on the internet? I never seen any in my searches so far. I…
My theory is kind of like morf13’s theory, I think Z was driving by and passed the rambler but slowing down while passing. He then backs up enough to …
Hello, I was wondering if this typed letter was ever specifically linked to a certain name/model of a type writer?
Thanks entropy, I’m wondering if there is some photo’s of Paul Stine’s funeral on the internet.
Did Paul Stine smoke cigarettes or did he use a tobacco pipe ? Has anyone ever questioned his family if he smoked ? And one reason I ask is if he did …
I have a lot of questions if anyone doesn’t mind helping with. About Johnny Ray, at age 19- how much time did he serve already in the navy or whe…
Can anyone tell me the address for the "Swindles" case, they lived 9 blocks away I think from the ocean beach boardwalk. They lived in a cot…