Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: January 18, 2016 1:48 pm
Topics: 7 / Replies: 74
Re: Unknown Symbol on the Halloween Card

Rather than edit my previous reply I thought it may be best if I start a new one. A friend of mine recently provided a simple explanation for this sy…

9 years ago
Re: Found it!! By Fire, By Gun, By Knife, By Rope

You seem to be missing the point Tahoe that the Zodiac wrote in big letters on that car door "By Knife". So this links the card to that …

9 years ago
Re: Zodiac dead???

Occam’s Razor would suggest he is dead. The fact that he never went through with his elaborate bomb plot (never so much as shot at a bus of kids) and …

9 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1492
Re: Cowboy: The Legend

Most of his stories seem to belong in the category of Grandpa Simpson tales, I’ll grant you that, but I keep finding coincidences with the kinds of th…

9 years ago
Re: Found it!! By Fire, By Gun, By Knife, By Rope

For what it’s worth, I personally believe none of the "usual suspects" were the Zodiac. I’ve always had a feeling he did come from elsewher…

9 years ago
Re: Cowboy: The Legend

Hi, Wow thank you for all of the replies. I’m not sure which to answer first. Yes it is a bit confronting when a lot of little coincidences suddenly …

9 years ago
Re: Found it!! By Fire, By Gun, By Knife, By Rope

These are very nice finds and well worth studying further. Personally, I consider it very possible (likely, even) that Z was inspired directly in va…

9 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 2132
Re: Found it!! By Fire, By Gun, By Knife, By Rope

Yes, I’ve always felt that the clues are like tiny bread crumbs that were dropped for us to follow. But whether they were ever intended to lead us any…

9 years ago
Re: Found it!! By Fire, By Gun, By Knife, By Rope

Yes, I think it must all tie in together… somehow. It is also interesting that the old 18th Century symbol for nitric acid (Aqua Fortis = "str…

9 years ago
Re: Found it!! By Fire, By Gun, By Knife, By Rope

Thanks Norse. A kind word is always appreciated, and I’m good with nutty as long as I am not the cherry on top. (The supreme of all kooky) I a…

9 years ago
Re: Found it!! By Fire, By Gun, By Knife, By Rope

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this comic book is where the Zodiac killer borrowed his ideas from. I am sure most people are now in agre…

9 years ago
Re: Symbol on the Halloween Card.

It is certainly an interesting idea this about the brands, but it is difficult to know how it could tie in with the Zodiac, if at all. It is possibl…

9 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1081
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