Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: January 21, 2018 2:02 pm
Last seen: December 31, 2023 12:38 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 78
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

They said Harvey called himself, Sam. He definitely did. Wasn’t the caller to the Dunbar show named Sam? And they said they traced the call to a men…

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

Hello to all those contributing to this interesting thread on Harvey. I’ve been following along with the comments but haven’t had the time to check o…

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

Look at this comment about the clip from a reddit poster:

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

It looks like it says Dagon to me as well. As for the movie, I don’t think it was random or a mistake. It was inserted upside down and backwards. Di…

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

relentless, I just looked at the film you posted and also the boxes of films you posted. I see a few interesting things there, I have pulled out a …

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

I think you’re right about others knowing this stuff and keeping quiet. Keep in mind, this was just a couple of boxes of papers inside a house jam-pac…

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

as for the reels etc, I think you need to ask relentlessz that, I don’t know anything at all about that other than what I read on this thread that she…

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

please forgive me if I can become "annoying". I can do that. I do occasionally wonder if YOU are the Zodiac. J/k. I appreciate your enthu…

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

omg, sorry, but I’m a WORD person and this cracks me up. I find Lucille at 5150 Case Ave. Pleasanton, CA… LMAO… boy doesn’t that fit this case….

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

I am looking everywhere for that "ranch" in patterson ca. I just do not find one and I can’t find edward marshall being in that area at all…

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

Amazingates… I have done a timeline and shared it on my blog.

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

Sorry, I keep forgetting to answer the questions. Thank you for reminding me. I’m stumbling through my day trying to keep my composure. This has been …

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

Here’s something else I just found…I don’t see the "j" but I do see the "h".

5 years ago
Re: Harvey F. Colliver

omg page 31 is blowing me away…. The progtaginist(spelling wrong again?? protagonist) of the prologues is Proto – The antagonist is a witch doctor …

5 years ago
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