Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: November 23, 2017 7:40 am
Topics: 2 / Replies: 90
Re: Zodiac 37

Agree with qtrader

7 years ago
Re: The Mikado and The Confession letter

I agree the Mikado is important. When Z is identified we should smile seeing how it fits. Nice post, language is key to Zodiac.

7 years ago
Re: The’Patricia Hautz’ letter

Note to self: Don’t write a letter to the editor. Ever. Especially not about a homicide case, suggesting to write a story about the killer. QT Fin…

7 years ago
Re: Found it!! By Fire, By Gun, By Knife, By Rope

Good stuff, saw it in the HC show for first time, examined here in more detail. What stands out to me, in addition to the obvious connection to the ‘H…

7 years ago
Re: Wondering if they saved Paul Stine’s Cab logs or where i

Hi, just Wondering if they saved Paul Stine’s Yellow Cab logs or where I could find them? Because the Zodiac would of been timing it out for his pract…

7 years ago
Re: increasing risk in the attack sequence

I think there is almost nothing less bold than shooting a cab driver in the head, at night, in a rich part of town where there isn’t a lot of police a…

7 years ago
Re: Why do you think the Zodiac wore the "Hood"?

This image is from the book Images of America Napa County Police. It was compiled and written by Todd Shulman who heads the Napa Police Historical So…

7 years ago
Re: 5 Part History Channel Series on Zodiac out 11/14

Ultimately, DID he really write a paper…who told Dave Peterson’s that? And when? When was the first mention of Ross having anything to do with cryp…

7 years ago
Re: 5 Part History Channel Series on Zodiac out 11/14

Was it actually found he took classes, or did he just write a paper? I remember seeing it written about a "paper", but I thought "clas…

7 years ago
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