can you post up a heat map smokey What kind of heatmap? What do you mean?
I don’t know, but it has been two years and I am still wondering about this. See below left, the pivots, and all cells highlighted for P16, P32 and P4…
And what I came up with at 0.37 MIPS for 10 hours. The Acer is locked up right now. Here is a current build of AZdecrypt 1.15 with the much faster an…
American Short Stories has 127 messages with one pivot, and 17 messages with two pivots in the plaintext, not transposed. Then I inscribed the messa…
American Short Stories has 127 messages with one pivot, and 17 messages with two pivots in the plaintext, not transposed. Then I inscribed the messa…
Thanks for taking a closer look. The fragments could need to be re-arranged because it is rows bound, however. But I don’t see any big words or contex…
So, what about those 48 cells highlighted for P16, P32, and P48 unigram repeats? The clusters around the pivots? I made 1000 cryptograms, no tra…
I tried to solve it by making it into fragments and using the rows bound solver. Here are the schemes, schemes 1-3 are P19, and scheme 4 is the …
But if I randomly select 170 cells, or half the message, then I can get a few that are close to 57 cells. Here is the best out of 1000, and it is 56 c…
I randomly selected 109 positions 1000 times, and the test was to find out if positions on those rows were selected, but also with a position next to …
I guess that I should point out that they contribute to the pivots for 4 cells. Two years ago I tried to use complex route transposition this ma…
Postby doranchak ยป Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:00 am Interesting observations, smokie. The herringbone pattern reminds me of interference patterns, such as …
P1 bigram repeats after removing all combinations of 4 columns in the 340, second highest spike… Perhaps all of the other bigram repeats at other pe…
19 – 4 = 15. That explains the spike at P15. P19 is dominant in the message. If you take out 4 columns, then the P19 repeats, the ones that are left, …
If you take all possible combinations of four columns for a cipher with 17 columns, you get 2380 combinations. So I untransposed z340 with all 2380 po…