I found another LA Times article with a composite drawing of the man with a limp. It’s not a very good copy of the drawing. However there is more in…
If the Walker crime was never solved, I wonder if the Manhattan Beach or California police still have the sketch in high resolution in their files the…
A movie called "The Strangler" was released in April of 1964 — prior to both the Cawdrey and Walker strangulations . Here’s The Trailer:
FYI. Observation: The San Mateo article may be a duplicate from the UPI wire since it has similar body text to the first article posted in the thread…
Hi Seagull I found another article about Walker — do you have access to download this article? The title is "Seek ‘Man With Limp’ in Space …
It’s interesting that Walker and Cawdrey were both manual strangulations. Manual strangulation is also how the author of the Cheri Jo Bates confessio…
Thanks Seagull! I found this about Beatrice Cawdrey. From the San Bernadino Sun Telegram, June 7, 1964.
There’s another article in the November 29, 1964 issue of the L.A. Times. Looks like it requires a subscription to read. But the article is entitl…