One potential lead indicator that suggests that Ross may have developed schizophrenic motor related issues by the late 1960s is the mysterious behavio…
An excerpt from the article Motor Symptoms and Schizophrenia The prevalence rates of motor symptoms in schizophrenia are surprisingly high, and rec…
We could also ask them if Ross had any schizophrenic gait (walking) irregularities or hand tremors (mild Parkinsonism) in 1967 – 1968. Did he own any…
Fouke wasn’t involved with the revised composite. Thanks for clarifying. Did Fouke not have input on either Stine composite?
We also need to remember that the portion of the street where Fouke saw Zodiac walking is slight downhill. That will naturally alter one’s gait to som…
Zodiac gives us another clue to his schizophrenic mental illness in the Cheri Jo Bates confession letter: "I AM NOT SICK. I AM INSANE. BUT THAT …
And lets not forget this from within the thread circa 2015, Mr. Sullivan with guns blazing…. It’s also interesting that in the 1958 talent show ski…
Zodiac gives us another clue to his schizophrenic mental illness in the Cheri Jo Bates confession letter: "I AM NOT SICK. I AM INSANE. BUT THAT …
If it is ultimately confirmed that DNA retrieved from Bates pants is consistent with Ross’ familial DNA (via his brother, for example) to a high degre…
I’m assuming that would be enough for everyone to agree he killed her, but would it be enough for you to move him to the top of your Zodiac suspect li…
I’m assuming that would be enough for everyone to agree he killed her, but would it be enough for you to move him to the top of your Zodiac suspect li…
It’s interesting that schizophrenia is consistently associated with mild Parkinsonism. A common aspect of Parkinsonism is tremors — which can result…
From a paper titled "Gait and its assessment in psychiatry": Abstract Gait reflects all levels of nervous system function. In psychiatry,…
Check this out! If someone on this forum lives in Los Angeles, there are over 4 MILLION images (1918-1990) from the LA Times that have been donated t…
The photo in the LA Times story is credited to the newspaper. That means an in-house LA Times staffer may have taken multiple photos on perhaps a medi…