Last seen: April 4, 2022 2:53 pm
Might be better if you add glasses
Nice work Soze, thank you. The Richmond I am interested in is Richmond Ca, not the Richmond district of SF. It is just south of Vallejo. But that is …
As far as, Richmond, all I have found is that they did work on the San Francisco Bulk Mail facility between 73′ and 75′. They did the steel work. Th…
I’ll look into it. If there is anything in particular you might be interested in let me know and if I find it I will pass it along. Soze
I’m interested in learning more about lathrop construction. Was it always at that location, even when, F P Lathrop owned it? What can you say about th…
Well. Well. Huh. I sure did. I wonder what got me so turned around? Interesting. Soze
It’s my understanding that ALL letters were written on Woolworths paper but the August letter was specifically Eaton. Correction if I am wrong pleas…
I just believe it required a very clear head for Zodiac to do what he did AND NOT GET CAUGHT. Not only not get caught we still don’t really have a clu…
This site use to be closed to the public. Aside for a good friend and a few others it should still be closed. The above is a prime example of why. So…
A person who drives around with a crappy car is either a simpleton or a tightwad. To have two different well worn tires on the car speaks volumes as t…
Just out of curiosity, has anyone looked into other types of crimes involving harm in the area of the Robison crime, in the years before and after the…
Deleted a post I wrote. Went digging into this "This week magazine. Still digging. Want to see a copy of it. I did come across this as for the co…
Well I’ve taken a moment out to look into Cynthia and I can’t find anything out on her. Maybe it’s not her per say. Maybe it’s the type of stuff she w…
Obviously we do not know if this was Zodiac. What interests me though is the use of the Cynthia Hope short story from 1946. 25 years before the card, …
For the life of me I can’t understand why no one has responded to this. It’s absolutely brilliant Cragle. Soze