Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: June 11, 2019 8:51 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 81
Re: Manalli As A Murder Suspect

Personally (theoretically speaking of course) if I was to commit this attack I would going the long way around as opposed to straight to the pay phone…

3 years ago
Re: Manalli As A Murder Suspect

<Call me close-minded, but I choose to follow the hard evidence and ask critical questions in direct relation to that: why did Z place the Blue Roc…

3 years ago
Re: Z32 proposed solution

I agree. I wrote the same thing in another post as well, I really liked the amount of depth, creativity and reasoning put into it. My advice would be …

3 years ago
Re: Manalli As A Murder Suspect

I personally think it’s close, but not a match. More importantly for me is that he doesn’t fit the description of the killer as described by several w…

3 years ago
Re: Z32 proposed solution

I said something similar the first time I saw the results. However there are issues with getting an exact location due not only to the inherent inaccu…

3 years ago
Re: Manalli As A Murder Suspect

I have no problem with thinking out of the box and turning over every stone in sight, my problem is I just don’t see this stone. Call me close-minded,…

3 years ago
Re: Manalli As A Murder Suspect

It depends what pattern you subscribe to the Zodiac. I think you refer to the previous victims being couples and the attacks taking place on deserted …

3 years ago
Re: Manalli As A Murder Suspect

3-4 people? I think that would be highly unlikely. It was said before but generally serial killers tend to operate on their own, I have no reason to b…

3 years ago
Re: Where zodiac got his symbol, i think i have a answer

I am still fairly confident Zodiac got his symbol from the watch brand, to me that’s too much of a coincidence. I like the movie connection with the…

3 years ago
Re: Z32 proposed solution

I have tried getting this to work but I don’t get to the geographical coordinates near Lake Tahoe

3 years ago
Re: Detailed solution to Z13 and Z32

Correct, and as I just mentioned in the previous thread is that we should also be looking for numbers in relation to radians if we are to believe Zodi…

3 years ago
Re: A French Moroccan engineer claims to have cracked Z32 +

Very well put indeed, David. You’ve hit the nail on the head when you said "Those two ciphers are already well within that shadow, long before im…

3 years ago
Re: Z32 proposed solution

I get a completely different result when using those geomagnetic coordinates (see attached). Could you elaborate please?

3 years ago
Re: A French Moroccan engineer claims to have cracked Z32 +

Because by adding layers, you could observe the results layer after layer and figure out if there is any relevance to your favourite subject (or any s…

3 years ago
Re: Detailed solution to Z13 and Z32

The methods for the Z13 and Z32 are different I would say. Z32 is lacking in the Trifid and non-return-to-zero inverted. Also, how did you select 4560…

3 years ago
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