Last seen: April 19, 2023 5:00 pm
I’m not a “proponent” of anything. All I did was release some info as requested. Mods? This guy can’t stop himself.
From the Riverside Press-Enterprise a couple of hours ago:
Someone else finally reported about it.
That’s not me lol. Why are you trying to ruin Morf’s new forum? Here’s a pic of me and Nancy Slover. Better luck next time. nancy.jpg
We made the decision not to alter the original police reports in any shape or form.
Merch? What merch? You mean a Zodiac book?
Maybe I’m nuts, but I can’t imagine Cheri cheating on Dennis (college football guy) for that smelly weirdo slob Ross:
Probably, anything to keep the focus on Barnett at all cost.
That’s him. I interviewed him a while back. Details are here:/p> Yes. Extradition was possible everywhere he lived overseas, so I don’t think …
Back in 2006 for the 40th anniversary of Cheri’s murder, I worked with RPD to get some pertinent “new” case info out there for everyone. Note what the…
How can I block this guy?
That is actually what it says. Wow, throwing accusations and you haven’t bothered to read. FFS
Thanks for the backup. I’ve actually been asked to break Zodiac news several times over the years. First time that I can recall was here:(The stor…
Sorry mods, obviously this “Russ Thompson” user has some Tom issues.
Not enough guts to apologize like a man? Not surprised. ?