Zodiac Discussion Forum

Noble Member
Joined: February 8, 2018 5:23 am
Last seen: April 19, 2023 5:00 pm
Topics: 9 / Replies: 1332
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

I don’t have a theory. If Gaikowski was the Zodiac and killed Bates, he would have been in Riverside at that time. I don’t have proof he was there, bu…

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

Implausible that he flew coast to coast for the weekend Yeah, nobody ever flies from NYC to LAX and back.

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

The rest of the "facts" just don’t amount to even probable cause. How in the hell would you know? Based on your posts here today you are be…

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

I’ve read your site pretty thoroughly regarding Gaikowski. Not based on your posts today…

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

Everything we know about Gaikowski… Based on your last post, everything you know about him could fit in a thimble with plenty of room left over. An…

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

Yes, that got DNA. The challenge is to determine who the DNA belongs to / Zodiac. Hence why I used the word "match."

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

So you’re basically asking for a DNA match or fingerprint match. Nobody has that. So I guess nobody was the Zodiac.

4 years ago
Re: Who’s your favorite suspect(s) and why?

My favorite suspect right now is Don Cheney. Thank God for Drew Beeson! He discovered Don Cheney!

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

Can we please stop with personal attacks on other members and bickering? PLEASE thank you The problem is entirely "Russ Thompson"…he app…

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

And in the mid/late 1960s, Gaikowski also lived a few miles directly south of the Lake Herman Road crime scene. And attended weekly editorial meetings…

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

from a guy who would like to be taken seriously in a murder investigation.

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

This is a case where lives were destroyed, and yet who is the one trying to collect cash from it? All of those podcasts you listen to, for one.

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

Tom must also know that Narlow did not like Gaikowski as a suspect Right, he was simply a driving enthusiast

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

You try to insinuate yourself in this case as someone important because you chased down and pestered actual investigators? Cry harder.

4 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

I also notice you guys were drinking in those photos. You mean the bottom pic with the picnic table? Those are clearly water bottles. Or did you mean…

4 years ago
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