I haven’t ruled out that there is more than one killer, working in tandem or a copycat (even a policeman in the second shooting).
Why would he be so worried about his prints that he wiped down the cab? He knew he was going to kill Stein. He would have planned ahead about the prin…
I don’t think any of the prints are the Zodiacs. How stupid would he be to leave prints, esp. if he was in the military? No one should be eliminated b…
Yes, I noticed him right away also. I was in Vietnam in 70-71. I noticed right away that the 13 cipher ends in NAM. Maybe Zodiac served in Nam in 67-6…
In the early 1950’s, Building 43 was built to house the communication facilities. These facilities were subsequently moved to Stockton. In later year…
Skaggs Island was a Top Secret radio surveillance and cryptologic communications installation operated by the Navy. Several antennas, miles across, w…
It is entirely possible he didn’t stop killing. He almost got caught at the Stein crime scene. Maybe he became more cautious. He said in his letters t…
For this theory to work. The killer would need to know the birthdays of all the victims. It would also mean thy were not targets of opportunity but ca…