Maybe I am too old-fashioned, but in reference to site, we are talking about young women who were brutally tortured and mu…
Don’t forget……………. BEFORE claiming to be Zodiac’s daughter, she was the "love child" daughter of President Kennedy! The press fe…
F. Lee Bailey, although famous (I think) for the Sam Shepherd case, became well known to bay area residents when Randolph A. Hearst brought him to Cal…
He is joking – don’t forget that Dick Van Dyke played a homocide detective assistant/physician for years. He would have been too tall for the real ki…
Hello, Smithy: How are things going? Regarding your post, the last one on the previous page, I was not directing the post at anyone. Sure, it was…
Speaking of the crime scene, not the crime itself, the area might have been unincorpoated, but the name was Bahia, which existed in the Southern Pacif…
Stitch Mallone wrote: "Been reading Lafferty’s book today and no didn’t pay the $50 bucks and got it at the local library today. Anyhow he states…
Welsh Chappie: I was not, in the least, upset at your post. I did not want you offended. Anything is possible about LHR. Even Graysmith, before he…
Hi, Smithy: Hope things are well with you and everyone else. Nothing wrong with speculation………that is all we can do! I discount the theory th…
I have no idea who this Cyril is, but the last person who survived the Titanic disaster, Millvina Dean, who died on 31 May 2009. She was only three m…
Let’s go back to Patinsky’s post just one up from AJ’s, which is on page 1…………… Patinsky mentions Ms Ferrin……..doesn’t he mean Ms Jense…
Since we do not know his date of birth, based on the descriptions of his, the 70-80+ range is a good place to assume his approximate age. Whether he …
Casper: Did you get sprayed from the sprinkler as the ocean water was flooding the ship? Now, THAT is real 3-D!