Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: January 20, 2015 8:33 am
Topics: 2 / Replies: 38
Re: Zodiac influenced by Boston Strangler 1968 movie

Forget about it. The Zodiac is gone. He was most probably killed. What leads you to believe that he was "most probably killed" as opposed t…

9 years ago
Re: Newspaper Articles on Kaczynski

Could be a match for Mageau’s description, 4 witnesses at LB, and PH; doesn’t sound much like the man described by Hartnell, and he got the one undeni…

9 years ago
Re: Bates Desktop poem

Could be the location of where the poem was originally composed, "rh" = Ramona High.

9 years ago
Re: Newspaper Articles on Kaczynski

Have to admit the Deer Lodge reference is hard to explain to say the least if the place is as obscure as you say. Have a few more questions. – Slove…

9 years ago
Re: Bates Desktop poem

"rh" could refer to the Rh blood group system. A stretch, but given the sanguinary content of the verse not to be wholly ruled out, maybe c…

9 years ago
Re: The Zodiac’s Mens Rea. What was it?

Who knows? Exhilaration combined with fear, nervous anxiety, mild dissociation, perhaps (though I lean away from multiple personality disorder diagno…

9 years ago
Re: Bates Desktop poem

As for why lowercase. I’m almost sure that’s been discussed before. Probably on other boards if not here or as well as here. I don’t think an answer w…

9 years ago
Re: The Real Zodiac and not the Myth!

I don’t consider myself and factual tyrant, but I like separate, compartmentalize fact from fiction as tide from turn arises, there glowing in the sub…

9 years ago
Re: The Real Zodiac and not the Myth!

Rubbish, no. Sophistical and at times punctuated by rhetorical flourish, yes. I believe you possess greater depth than perhaps even you yourself rea…

9 years ago
Re: Bates Desktop poem

Just brought myself up to speed on "zode" and the 1964 Romona HS yearbook illustration. Great stuff. Thanks guys. Wow!

9 years ago
Re: Newspaper Articles on Kaczynski

regarding z’s motivations versus unabomber’s – i could see z being the immature version of what the unabomber became. But then you have the up clos…

9 years ago
Re: The Real Zodiac and not the Myth!

David, to my eye your profile of Zodiac emerges as immensely more sensationalist than substantive. Coupled with your remark about aliens I would gues…

9 years ago
Re: Bates Desktop poem

Personally,I think the RH may really be the initials of the Author. I think so too. Allowing the author of the poem would likely have considered as u…

9 years ago
Re: Newspaper Articles on Kaczynski

I would also add to my doubts as to K’s being Z, the description of the attacker by Mageau and Hartnell as "beefy." Not saying the problem i…

9 years ago
Re: Newspaper Articles on Kaczynski

I’m also curious, Ak Wills, what Hartnell has to say about K’s mask. He is, after all, the only person to have seen actually seen it! Do we know if …

9 years ago
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