Last seen: September 1, 2022 7:17 pm
Splitting a message in three parts is certainly a group of three. There are many other such structures in Zodiac’s communications that will need to be…
Correct on all counts. I misused the word ancient obviously. According to, and general Wikipedia knowledge, in more recent times, these…
By the way I meant "in any kind of way" to include history, geography, literature, etc. What ever uses the 18-letter alphabet, plaques on bu…
I just google imaged on "welsh miner" and most of the pictures it found come out in black and white! How is that for an oddity. However, mo…
And in one instance, an officer described the Zodiac as "welsh". Not sure what welsh looks like, but if it were a costume or a disguise, th…
You’re thinking out of the box and that is certainly a good thing. I am interested in how you found "j=3" in this scheme? Roger