mrman7 You don’t understand. What you don’t understand dominates you. The way to dominate that, is make it wrong. So easy, it’s just wrong. It’s BS. Y…
Yeah yeah I know…’s sketchy at best. Something I’m working on. Just thought I’d put it out there & take my lumps.
The Sanskrit,सुन्दर्दस means "Sundardas" It’s the name my Guru gave me, 1983 in Oakland, Calif. Had some fun recently. Was intense sitting…
Let me guess, the prints of the Wing Walkers were clear. Right? So clear one could assume intentionally so. Frame your enemy? Funny! Did you know mor…
Wing Walker shoes….. Zodiac must be from the Military. Yeah right. That sort of thinking kills an investigation. सुन्दर्दस
Was Paul Stine murder a smoke screen? Intended to throw investigators off the trail. The Zodiac killings were varied. Unlike a single serial killers,…
Here’s a question: What would Zodiac name his son? Let’s see now…… Definitely has to contain a Z. Maybe a combination of letters? Someone he anta…
Why did the psychic tell us? And the wolf rise from within the earth? Why did Oscar drop in my lap? And Jerry look scared on a rock in a stream in Jar…
Hey Michael Morford, You have the freedom of Information routine down. Think you could get SFPD to tip their hand? What about the FBI in Sacramento? …
Gosh, I forgot all about this note. This book has some good stuff. I like that paragraph on page 5. "Analyzing this case will not be an easy unde…
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Thanks Zamantha! Ha! I like your quote hahaha! "…banned for not following the rules…" true dat! I’m interested in why people get involv…