Instead of going out of your way to argue Z’s stupidity, why not ask yourself why the dispatcher said black male that night, or why the kids, or no on…
One thing that I keep thinking about is Bobby Graysmiths attempted decoding of the 340. Now I know most will not give Rob any credit as a reliable sou…
Welch Chappie, While reading your post, I had an idea that I didn’t think of before. Perhaps the reason Zodiac didn’t make a call after he shot Paul w…
Hahaha, you’ve got a great sense of humor! P.S. I felt sorry for the guy that got stuck in the booth… Well as long as I can make someone laugh t…
Yeah agreed. And yes this case is frustrating with the POI’s all seeming to have their own reason why they simply have to be above the other POI on th…
I have seen a movie here in the US about the Kray brothers but, I knew nothing about the others you mentioned. Thanks for sharing. Your welcome. You…
My favorite is KQ as well. Probably because I was involved with the research of him by Mike Rodelli (even checked Q’s building in Italy when on hollid…
For me this is a two Horse race, the rest of the suspects have fallen at previous fences along the way. Still going strong is the favourite Larry Kane…
Hey Mike, this question may be totally ludicrous but i’ll pose it anyway. Considering that, according to the FOIA Documents at least, Kane’s name w…
Ty UKSpy…. I don’t think Cane landed up in Zephyr Cove by accident. I think it’s a clue. Ford Zephyr, Zephyr Zodiac. Putting clues there and playi…
I personally think the spelling ‘errors’ are not errors but deliberate with some spelling a different word than intended purposely. But then again his…
That’s almost as bad as the woman who rummaged through her ex husbands trash, retrieved his recently used condom (sorry, not the most appealing of ima…
I mean you don’t need any intellectual capacity at all to know that shooting a man dead in the centre of a street at a time of night and then decide t…