Zodiac Discussion Forum

Trusted Member
Joined: February 21, 2018 7:07 am
Last seen: November 8, 2022 2:36 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 81
Re: Curran Theater

The Groucho Marx theory was recently debunked and quite soundly IMO. It happened recently with almost no reaction from long term members. Got a link?

4 years ago
Re: Curran Theater

FWIW, Zodiac’s version of "As Some Day it May Happen" (the "I’ve got a little list" song) isn’t from The Mikado per se. Zodiac’s v…

4 years ago
Re: BRS/Stine Gun

Chaucer, I agree: “9 mm Luger” out of context is ambiguous. It could refer to the pistol or to the caliber. Is there a ballistics report available?

4 years ago
Re: likelihood of a solution now in 2017

With the release of another zodiac themed movie, I am wondering if the zodiac for once and for all will at some point (if he is alive and not mentally…

4 years ago
Re: Paul Stine’s shirt

Bumping this up. I had never seen that photo before. There’s no doubt those pieces came from Stine’s shirt. Where is the other piece of shirt?

4 years ago
Re: Radiographic, ultraviolet analysis of evidence.

I’d always assumed this was something well known, but I haven’t been able to find any other posts about the diamond patterns, so I’m just going to upl…

4 years ago
Re: Lake Berryessa Theories

This a good point, on previous occasions he’d gunned people down in the dark and then left in haste. On this occasion he knew that he’d be spending a …

4 years ago
Re: Martha Smith / Martha Marie Harris murdered shapely brun

I thought there might have been books in Stine’s cab. When you say “A-Z,” do you mean a dictionary?

4 years ago
Re: Lake Berryessa Theories

Hartnell saying some idiot was wearing a bizarre costume, who then wrote on his car door does not prove it was Shooter Z. Anybody could put on a hood…

4 years ago
Re: Martha Smith / Martha Marie Harris murdered shapely brun

If this is the Zodiac these are probably why he doesn’t want to be linked up with these crimes. He left evidence behind. His calling card. These books…

4 years ago
Re: A Possible Scenario That Explains Some of The Missing Ti

I’m 5′ 8" and that watch would be tight on me. Same here. I’m 6’1" and 250, and I have 7.5 inch wrists. It’s difficult for me to believe Ro…

4 years ago
Re: Feynman Ciphers

At the time of the attacks, Olum was a mathematics professor at Cornell in New York state. What makes you think he was Zodiac?

4 years ago
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