Hi Zydeco, I think we may have met on another thread! I’m curious about this paragraph in your intro. Particularly the part about Manalli’s wife. …
Welcome zydeco, Interesting suspect. I read it all, I think I need to go lie down now… Ha ha! You are a wonderful decoder.
Ha ha! Hi zydeco, Explain please! Haha means ? Thanks, Zam* It means I don’t yet know how to use a forum! I’m only used to Twitter. I forgot how …
I know you’re not going to believe me, but the stuff I tracked down on Bloch has been removed from Google. Since I know what it was, I should be able …
If we are brief, is it against the rules to post replies on an old thread, but you’re working your way through it and don’t yet know if someone else h…
What irks me is the thoughts that only people of power ( law enforcement) can solve this case or that one person of power is more superior than anothe…
Well, although I didn’t intend to, I already told you the connection (and couldn’t figure out how to delete the post) but I’m going to read the whole …
Quagmire: ‘I personally think Z was up to this sort of thing when he mentioned that he’d killed a man in a car with a .38. I really think he might hav…
One cannot look Welsh. But then again, you can’t sound like you’re “possibly of Welsh ancestry” either (which is what you’re hinting at, I take it)…
The word ‘ancestry’ may have been added to soften the absurdity of having said Welsh while claiming not to have heard his voice. Not even Southern anc…
We do indeed! …Do we get a lollipop….? What about the 340 though? I always wonder if they know more than they’re saying. I suppose we’ll never kno…
And Hartnell didn’t even say Montana.
Were they even Wing Walkers? I’m not sure. Where did that come from?
We know now that plenty of things that are well documented are not true. So that holds no water. Some people, including Leslie Harden, even say that w…