Isn’t it odd that Pelissetti lets a man go because he thinks he lives there, and Fouke lets a man go because he thinks he doesn’t live there? And I th…
If the 408 code was only (ha – I say ‘only’) examined by the Navy experts (which obviously would have been enough, in the hands of any any trained dec…
I know you did mention that the other day Morf. I trust your word enough Morf without needing the Source as proof if you mean you have info regarding …
I reached that point about a month ago. I’m new too. Welcome to the forum Barry.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think he can tell the same story once. I may be completely wrong, but I’m sure they want to catch the Zodiac as much as w…
I thought 9 was but I think some would say 12 and then another 17 And 13! Maybe he was just one of 13.
Excellent! You brash hussie!
It spills into cover-up.
Ha ha! To be brutally honest, I was terrified. I was watching every word I said. Actually, I realised I’d pulled a goof and said too much! My suspect …
Thank you. I think Zodiac has almost spelled out who he is, and practically named some of his co-conspirators. (For the ’37’, I think we have to look …
Just a thought, but given the possible connection with Hunter’s house (among other things) could this be where he got the idea for his Zodiac theme? …
Yes Mr Iwoe, I agree with Soze. Please post more.
Probably just a guy trying to get people to watch his video. But I found it interesting. I do think (scumbag paedophile) Arthur Leigh Allen was framed…