I’m not sure he did lie a lot. For example, when he said he was in the park, couldn’t he have said to himself, ‘last week’, under his breath? I have a…
I too thought the Zodiac was gay as soon as I read the words ‘with a girl’. To me, only a gay man would think of adding that. I mean, what else would …
Thank you for recognising my good taste.
A ‘thing’ is an ancient Norse kangaroo court of elite individuals. Didn’t Zodiac even capitalise it in the printed words on the dripping pen letter? I…
The anthropology of Zodiac Without it, there is no way to build a backstory for this person of interest for a "Human Interest Story" And h…
@Pettibon Junction, Yeah he messed up, but do you think there is something specific that made him so scared? Leaving behind fingerprints, locking ey…
Forgive me, I was thinking of a different footprint. Thank you for putting me right.
I think I just lost my (long) post! Aren’t you glad?! I got so excited over posts by 2 of my favourites! In short, this is the key crime scene; where …
Tahoe Stated… "Or, the tires tracks 20 feet behind Bryan’s car weren’t left by the attacker’s car. The report never states there were prints f…
Ha ha! That cheered me up.
I wear thermal knickers.
This is my 3rd attempt at posting this comment! That’s how bad I am with computers. Thank you Tahoe, that is very useful. I’ll do that, one or the oth…
Someone got the cartoonist’s name wrong, and I wondered if we know who owned the car. I think the problem is that I haven’t worked out how to reply to…