There was no blood on the car door. Someone should check the owner of the car. The Riverside poem was written about a previous victim who survived, …
Excellent work. I think I may have figured out who RA was, but I’m too tired, so will post it later. (Think KKK.)
I think Paul Stine is wearing his glasses at the crime scene.
I think this guy was involved in the Zodiac group. He wasn’t a raving Satanist, in my opinion. He was something else entirely.
Either way, ‘clearlynotanurse’ is interesting. Seems it’s an 8 thing. Or should I say, an 8,8,8 thing, thing thing? Why did he (or she) edit the post…
Great work.
So what was the solution? Any actual words?
You’d wrap friction tape around the handle of a knife, for grip. I’m sure someone pointed this out, but this may be the name:
I read this thread a few months ago, so forgive me if someone else has said this, but the ‘mystery man’ in the photo is Darlene’s ex-husband. I saw an…
As Seagull pointed out, Bolle drew those cartoons. He also used Egyptian themes, including reincarnation. Plenty of skeletons – and instructions to ‘w…