Eduard, Subject: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:13 am
Below a picture of the strange symbol in the "Exorcist letter" … terhu3.gif
The symbol actually looks like a couple of stabwounds.
Below a picture of a single stabwound:
Can we possible check for a victim that had the same patern in stabwounds on her/his body as in the "Exorcist letter"?
morf13, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:23 am
Below a picture of the strange symbol in the "Exorcist letter" … terhu3.gifThe symbol actually looks like a couple of stabwounds.
Below a picture of a single stabwound:
Can we possible check for a victim that had the same patern in stabwounds on her/his body as in the "Exorcist letter"?
Interesting theory. The little tiny thing to the left/top of the symbols looks to me like a sperm or a tadpole. In the Jenner beach murders, wasnt there a car seen nearby with some sort of tadpole symbol on it??? I seem to recall there was.
Also, I think the symbols resemble the letters KNIF…maybe spelling out KNIFE. And also, they sort of resemble japanese letters I think somebody said before.
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:42 pm
Graysmith said it was very similar to the marking on a soy sauce barrell that one of the Sonoma victims had, I think Kim Allen?
morf13, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:26 pm
Graysmith said it was very similar to the marking on a soy sauce barrell that one of the Sonoma victims had, I think Kim Allen?
Wow AK, seems pretty similar, especially the K looking symol. Do we know the meaning of the symbols on the soy sauce? Did Graysmith elaborate on it’s meaning?
soze, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:03 pm
The exorcist symbol is actually the outline of San Francisco. Turn the symbol 90 degrees clockwise and compare. The dot is Muir Woods. Dot dash is brooks island. You can also see Treasure Island, Alcatraz and the main freeways. The symbol ends at about industrial (st./rd) and oakdale?. Sorry. Going from memory.
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:10 pm
Graysmith said it was very similar to the marking on a soy sauce barrell that one of the Sonoma victims had, I think Kim Allen?
Wow AK, seems pretty similar, especially the K looking symol. Do we know the meaning of the symbols on the soy sauce? Did Graysmith elaborate on it’s meaning?
No, he just mentions it briefly in the first Zodiac book.
But it does seem a very close match IMO.
Seagull, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:51 pm
This is an article that shows a picture of the soy barrel. It was in the Press Democrat in April 1972. I do not know if the same picture was in a San Francisco newspaper. The resolution of the picture is terrible as the microfilms at the Santa Rosa library suck! but I am happy to have them as a resource.
I’m posting just to let you know that a picture of this barrel with its writing did appear in print. I’m sure that the picture was much clearer when it ran in the paper.
morf13, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:27 pm
Thanks for posting Seagull. Do we know if the symbols were on the one that she owned?
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:31 pm
Good find! Then it is possible that Z saw the symbol in this somewhat obscure peper (?).
morf13, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:31 pm
I googled images for WOODEN SOY BARREL, and did not get a whole lot of pics, here is one:
Anyway to see if the sympols on the soy barrels lined up with ones in the exorcist letter?
Seagull, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:42 pm
Morf whether or not it is exactly like the one that Kim was carrying that day probably does not matter. Since that is the barrel that appeared in the newspaper Zodiac could have been trying to allude to what he had said about his changing the way he was going to kill etc. I do not think that Zodiac killed Kim Allen but I do think that he wanted people to think he could have.
AK the Press Democrat had/has a very large area of readership. All of Sonoma County, parts of Napa County especially the upper valley, most of Mendocino County, too.
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:57 pm
Thanks for the info.
Graysmith said it was very similar to the marking on a soy sauce barrell that one of the Sonoma victims had, I think Kim Allen?
UKSpycatcher, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:17 pm
Good find! Then it is possible that Z saw the symbol in this somewhat obscure peper (?).
Or maybe he derived it from the 340 cipher like so (see below)- In the top right image I have moved the two symbols on the extreme left of the Exorcist Letter to the right side as shown without altering their position on the vertical axis,then I have turned the extreme right symbol 90 degrees clockwise to form the new arrangement ,shown bottom right and compared it to the most interesting part of the 340 cipher ie: the area where Zodiac appears to have corrected himself.
Five of the six symbols now show a noticeable similarity to this area of the 340 cipher.
If you then choose to continue you can then slide the > to the left ,to slot in between the I and F where it joins up to form the symbol seen on the Halloween Card.
Of course the FK symbol is part of the 13 Hole Postcard . So all of the three symbols from Exorcist Letter,Halloween Card and 13 Hole Postcard are derived from this portion of the 340 cipher,and he blacked out one symbol so had to elevate the K in the Exorcist Letter, may’be. I believe the 340 is not a cipher,but merely something he was using to spice up later correspondence and see if people could find the connection.
On the 14th line of the 340 cipher you find BOO in reverse and this is what you would read on the Halloween Card effectively when closed. Remember the 14 on the hand signifies 14th line. On the same line is the ^ and F again also on the 14th line,the logo he used on the card and envelope. The 4-TEEN means 4-teenth line. In the wording underneath he even gives us the ‘t and h’ in the line ‘But then why spoil the game’ – after all its just a game to him.
In the 13 Hole Postcard I believe he prints a large crosshair and says ‘its just one big thirteenth’ .The 13th line of the 340 cipher begins with a crosshair symbol . It also contains a circle,cross and triangle,the arrangement found at the Sierra club during the excavation of a possible burial site,the cross comprising of 13 stones.
Luke68, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:47 pm
Soze, are you referring to this? … n-symbols/
I thought that this theory warranted further investigation… … er-theory/
If you look at some of the music posters from the time, you will find that the artists had certain creative methods for displaying text. Sometimes, instead of the normal fonts, we see blocks containing small patches of ink which depict the spaces between and inside of the letters of the alphabet.
soze, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:41 pm
Soze, are you referring to this? … n-symbols/
I thought that this theory warranted further investigation… … er-theory/
If you look at some of the music posters from the time, you will find that the artists had certain creative methods for displaying text. Sometimes, instead of the normal fonts, we see blocks containing small patches of ink which depict the spaces between and inside of the letters of the alphabet.
I am the one who came up with the theory laid out in the first link. However, I can also take it a step further since I first posted it back in 2010. Take the exorcist symbol and turn it 90 degrees clockwise. The single dot is Muir woods. The dot with line pointing up is Brooks Island. You will see parts of I 280 (going from memory), treasure island, alcatraz, intersection of 5th and mission, intersection of 7th and mission, 7th and brannon, industrial and oakdale.
1. Muir woods is a national historic monument site.
2. Brooks Island is part of the East Bay Regional Park district
3. Treasure Island is a California Historical Landmark
4. Alcatraz has long been since not too long after the closing of the prisons in the 60 ‘s governed by the national park service. Been on the register of historic places since 1976
5. At the corner of 5th and mission is the U.S. Mint. A national landmark since 1961
6. Corner of 7th and mission is the us federal court house and post office. Also on the national landmark list but have no time to dig for date. (Post office I believe the zodiac mailed from)
7. 7th and brannon is the national carbon company better known today as Ever Ready batteries. Also on the national landmark list
8. This one through me for a loop for a very long time – industrial and oakdale. No park or landmark at this location. Nothing. BUT – underneath the ground is the Islais creek estuary – a part of the bureau of reclamation
What do all these things have in common?
Those folks who were "on top of everything else" part of the Department of Interior (also known as – the department of everything else)
The zodiac was a humorous smart @"’ wasn’t he?
I do apologize but I didn’t bother looking at the second link. Not that I wish to be disrespectful, truly I don’t, but i am certain there is a bigger picture.
soze, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:51 pm
Oh and by the way, badlands is the badlands of north Dakota, red phantom is Ezekiel proctor and his connection is the ozark’s, twisted shoes is really "twisted shoe " and its a campsite in big bend park. Oh, and paradice slaves is another word for "park ranger". The zodiac was a park and environmental junkie. Id say more but a little tired. Been up since 4 am.
soccer, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:37 pm
Oh and by the way, badlands is the badlands of north Dakota, red phantom is Ezekiel proctor and his connection is the ozark’s, twisted shoes is really "twisted shoe " and its a campsite in big bend park. Oh, and paradice slaves is another word for "park ranger". The zodiac was a park and environmental junkie. Id say more but a little tired. Been up since 4 am.
OMG did you say PARK RANGER ?
soze, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:39 pm
They are the one true slaves to paradise.
Do I believe he was one? No.
But, if you have an interest in park rangers, perhaps you should have a look at the book called "guardians of the Yosemite " by John w bingaman. I think you will like it.
Sounds a bit like "guardian of the pines ", would you agree?
Luke68, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:37 pm
Oh and by the way, badlands is the badlands of north Dakota, red phantom is Ezekiel proctor and his connection is the ozark’s, twisted shoes is really "twisted shoe " and its a campsite in big bend park. Oh, and paradice slaves is another word for "park ranger". The zodiac was a park and environmental junkie. Id say more but a little tired. Been up since 4 am.
They are the one true slaves to paradise.
Do I believe he was one? No.
But, if you have an interest in park rangers, perhaps you should have a look at the book called "guardians of the Yosemite " by John w bingaman. I think you will like it.
Sounds a bit like "guardian of the pines ", would you agree?
Makes me think of Ted. Over to you, AK
On a more serious note, that is all pretty interesting. Would love to hear more about the theory when you’re rested Soze.
Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:55 am
Below a picture of the strange symbol in the "Exorcist letter" … terhu3.gifThe symbol actually looks like a couple of stabwounds.
Below a picture of a single stabwound:
Can we possible check for a victim that had the same patern in stabwounds on her/his body as in the "Exorcist letter"?
I think the strange, almost hieroglyphpic looking signature at the bottom simply spells ‘To Kill’
The symbol that appears to be a letter F that appears in the middle of the three, is actually the word TO (Turn the symbol to the right slightly and you’ll see what i mean.) The other three symbols are simply the letter K, I (with the dot on the left), and a double L.
soze, Subject: Re: Strange symbol in the Exorcist letter is…? Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:22 am
Oh and by the way, badlands is the badlands of north Dakota, red phantom is Ezekiel proctor and his connection is the ozark’s, twisted shoes is really "twisted shoe " and its a campsite in big bend park. Oh, and paradice slaves is another word for "park ranger". The zodiac was a park and environmental junkie. Id say more but a little tired. Been up since 4 am.
They are the one true slaves to paradise.
Do I believe he was one? No.
But, if you have an interest in park rangers, perhaps you should have a look at the book called "guardians of the Yosemite " by John w bingaman. I think you will like it.
Sounds a bit like "guardian of the pines ", would you agree?
Makes me think of Ted. Over to you, AK
On a more serious note, that is all pretty interesting. Would love to hear more about the theory when you’re rested Soze.
I am working on that Luke. Right now I work full time, go to school full time and I would say that I work on this case full time as well. Even when I am doing other things like work and school, I am also thinking of this case. Takes a little time.
The symbol that appears to look like the letter F, turn slighting to the right and it actually becomes "TO". Then you have K, with an I right under it, and two almost vertical l l’s making K I L L. The remaining symbol once flipped becomes ! TO KILL!
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
Interesting. He was (and is) a well-respected Big Cheese, this chap Peter D. Barnett.
I remember he was called in to help Hal Snook, Ray Land and the Napa PD on another case we talked about recently, where a black guy raped and killed a girl and hid her body underneath a woodpile. Well, that’s what they convicted him of – some think the conviction unsafe.
I wish I could find the thread right now. Sorry, that’s rather off-topic.
I’ve compared the symbols on the Exorcist to the full Japanese alphabet several times. I can’t see any similarities, personally.
I was looking for "Koko" myself, which means "Here" in Japanese, apparently, and which I thought appropriate. Nope, no match.
I remember he was called in to help Hal Snook, Ray Land and the Napa PD on another case we talked about recently, where a black guy raped and killed a girl and hid her body underneath a woodpile. Well, that’s what they convicted him of – some think the conviction unsafe.
I wish I could find the thread right now. Sorry, that’s rather off-topic.
Articles posted about it here I think. Willy the Woodcutter. Do a search for ‘woodcutter’ as well as it’s in a few other threads.
I was able to find a newspaper article from a different newspaper than the one posted above that picture’s the barrel Kim Allen was carrying at the time she was kidnapped and murdered. It’s not pristine but better than the one from the Press Democrat.
I looked for a picture of the barrel in the SF Chronicle and did not find one. The Chronicle being Zodiac’s newspaper of choice, IMO, seems like a more likely source for Zodiac to have come across the picture, assuming he used the characters on the barrel as an inspiration for the characters on the Exorcist letter. A Sonoma or Marin County newspaper is a little far afield from where we know Zodiac to have killed.
Another point that makes me hesitate in considering that this barrel may have been Zodiac’s inspiration for the Exorcist letter "doodlings" is that the letter came so long after this article was published. Although, he did seem have the ability to sit on things if it suited him like his southern California activity.
I’ve briefly looked into this before, but never in depth, so all pointers are surely appreciated.
What’s the deal with that barrel? There are some symbols on it which look roughly, to my eye, as some form of Asian script. But even the one which most resembles the Exorcist doodle doesn’t really match it to any compelling degree.
Without knowing any details, I would have assumed the barrel was marked, stamped, something of the sort – and that these markings are letters, the name of a producer or manufacturer or…shipyard…or something.
I don’t get it. What is it people are seeing here?
PS Yes, I get that the barrel belonged to the girl. But what’s the connection to Z? The markings?
Don’t mention to Morf13 that ROSS is on the barrel.
This was something that Graysmith wrote about in his book, pages 252 and 253. He speculated the symbols on the barrel is where Zodiac had gotten the "symbols" that are on the bottom of the Exorcist letter. There is an illustration in the book but not an actual picture like the one that ran in the newspaper. It’s just one of many things that Graysmith wrote and has been debated, is it true, did Graysmith make it up, if true do the symbols really look the same etc. It’s kind of like that want ad in the personal section of the Chronicle, it wasn’t really debated and dissected until we saw an actual copy of the ad because we had nothing other than Graysmith to reference.
Don’t mention to Morf13 that ROSS is on the barrel.
OMG UK, that is so funny!! Had I been drinking anything you would have owed me a new keyboard.
Ross! First thing I noticed.
But, seriously – get the picture up on Twitter (this site’s account – or Facebook, or wherever): Ask about the letters. Because I bet they are letters. Or, more precisely words, in some Asian script. It probably says “Content: Fake clews, fool the heat and impress your friends!” Or: “Pleated, crummy slacks, perfect for killing sprees!” Or: “Red herrings, consume at your own risk!”
Norse, what difference would it make if we did know what the characters said? They are probably Chinese, do you think that Zodiac would know what they meant? We know that Zodiac was into The Mikado but that was Japanese, sort of. They probably say "inspector 12"!
Norse, what difference would it make if we did know what the characters said? They are probably Chinese, do you think that Zodiac would know what they meant? We know that Zodiac was into The Mikado but that was Japanese, sort of. They probably say "inspector 12"!
Well it’s a different barrel anyway.. But a bit interesting the Flying V marking at the bottom of that barrel. Sorry with My attempt to make it more legible it is not very good.
Norse, what difference would it make if we did know what the characters said? They are probably Chinese, do you think that Zodiac would know what they meant? We know that Zodiac was into The Mikado but that was Japanese, sort of. They probably say "inspector 12"!
As we all know, unknowns are a bad thing in the Z case. They lead to speculation – and very often to pretty inane speculation too.
If we could establish precisely what’s printed on the barrel, there would be less chance of fanciful interpretations.
My take on this is as follows: If the print on that barrel had been Latin letters and the message easily understood, nobody would have dreamed of theorizing that Z used one of the letters as “inspiration” for a symbol which sort of, but not really, resembles said letter.
Seagull posted this pic at
It’s the barrel that Kim Wendy Allen was found in. She was a Victim in the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker murders,SEE SEAGULL’S SITE HERE-
The Chinese writing on the barrel, was thought by Graysmith to possibly have been the inspiration for Chinese writing looking symbols on the exorcist letter. I’m not saying that the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker murders are the work of Z, or in any way connected to Z,although they have been tied to Suspect,Fred Manalli before(see the Manalli thread on this site).
However, I do see the word, ROSS on that barrel. A clue??? Deb, do you know if Ross was the name of the soy sauce company, or the town Ross? Also, do you know if the Chinese symbols on that Barrel were ever translated? Also, do you know what the word or words, under ROSS is? Also Deb, sort of off topic here as far as Ross, but I don’t see Manalli on your Suspect list on your site. Was he ever on there?
What I know about the barrel I have learned from the newspaper articles and from a conversation with Kim’s sister. This is the article that appeared in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.
The pertinent information about the barrel in this article is-
The article says that Kim purchased the barrel at a store in SF’s Chinatown and that the one pictured was also purchased at the same store. I discussed this with Kim’s sister who disagreed that Kim would have bought the barrel, especially in Chinatown. Kimball Allen, Kim’s father, owned a health food store in San Francisco and sold soy sauce that came in bulk barrels like the one pictured. The sister told me that Kim had been at her father’s store in the morning on the day she was last seen alive and she believed that Kim got the barrel at her father’s store.
Kim worked at a health food store in Larkspur and it was from there that she was hitchhiking back to Santa Rosa. While I do not know for sure if the store bought soy sauce in bulk to sell, it would be in keeping with what other health food stores did so I am assuming they did sell soy sauce from barrels like that. So it’s possible that Kim could have gotten the barrel from her place of work, IMO.
Larkspur and the town of Ross in Marin County are just 2 1/2 miles apart.
It does seem to me that if Kim could have gotten the barrel for free from her father or where she worked, she would have done just that. It does not make any sense to me that Kim would have gone to Chinatown to buy the barrel, particularly since she did not drive and would have had to take public transportation or hitchhike to get to Chinatown. Why go to all that bother when she had two other sources for the barrel?
The article says the barrel that is pictured was purchased in Chinatown by LE. I guess we have to assume it’s true and if it is then I have no idea why Ross is stenciled on the barrel.
I have never had Manalli posted at my site.
A Sonoma or Marin County newspaper is a little far afield from where we know Zodiac to have killed.
Yes and no. It is very possible Z had some connection to Marin after 1971.
1972 Attack on Isobel Watson:
1974 Red Phantom in Mill Valley: