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Possible symbolism?

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Posts: 1772
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Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
Had a wife and couldn’t keep her
Put her in a pumpkin shell
and there he kept her very well

Posted : September 6, 2013 10:22 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member


Okay, silliness aside, I am thinking about the pi thing a bit more seriously.

When I look at the hand of the skeleton holding up 3 fingers with the number 14 written on the skeletons "palm"–and not to forget the index and thumb forming a circle, it astonishes me that I did not notice the visual allusion to pi (3.14) before. Was I blind?

Some of the other references seem like a stretch to me, but I have to admit that the hand seems like it really may have been deliberately set to 3-14, or pi.

So what might be the significance of this?

It might be very significant–without introducing gematria or other mathemagic. Z said "The Mt. Diablo Code concerns Radians +#inches along the radians."

Pi is a special number very closely related to radian measurement. They are so closely related, in fact, that it is almost inevitable that Z’s puzzle would involve references to pi. Now that I think of it, I am astounded to think that I wasn’t looking for pi references long before this. I feel like a bit of a dolt.

For those of you who understand how radian measures work, the relation between pi and radians will be obvious. For those who don’t, let me say that we often talk about angle meaurements using phrases like "pi radians" or "2 pi radians".

For example, pi radians is an angle equal to 180 degrees. 2 pi radians is 360 degrees. Pi/2 radians is 90 degrees.

What does it all mean?

Not exactly sure, but maybe we can get started figuring that out. If I was only to consider the skeleton’s hand, with no other values taken involved, I would probably suppose Z was referring to 180 degrees, or a straight line for some reason. But, I would not be sure exactly where that straight line is supposed to be pointing to.

If we think about it a little further, one might presume it had something to do with a bearing relation to the declension of magnetic north. For example, if we started out facing magnetic north, then turned 180 degrees, we would then be facing in a straight line in the exact opposite direction–somewhere to the southwest. (Mostly south, and just a few degrees west.)

Above I was talking about the simplest case where no other values were given. What if Z also expected us to combine pi with some other value cleverly cached in either the Halloween Card, or some other letter? That could change the straight line into some other angle.

What might that other value be?

Just as an example what if we thought about the number on the Little List letter and then repeated on the Pace card? The number 13, I mean. (FYI, I am just using random-ish examples here.)

If we combined it with pi, we might ask ourselves what pi / 13 radians might be. That would give us 13.85, which really is one big 13th, wouldn’t you say.

Anyway, that’s it for now. I apologize if I lost you. My only point is that the apparent pi reference in the skeleton’s hand may very well be more than just zynchronicity. I suspect it is an important clue, or at least part of one.



Posted : September 7, 2013 6:05 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Also, had a curious thought about how different cultures form numbers with their fingers:


Posted : September 7, 2013 6:15 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

tree-4teen = 3.14 when said in an irish accent. tree = three.

So back to the silliness. Here’s a little Irish math:

One day an Irish student goes up to the blackboard and draws a tree, followed by a little roundish blob near the base of the tree, followed by a plus sign, another three, another roundish blob, another plus sign, still another tree and a round blob, then an equal sign and finally the number 10.

The teacher is completely baffled at this strange formula, so she asks the student to explain. The student says:

"’Tis very simple, Miss. Y’see, a tree and a turd plus a tree and a turd plus a tree and a turd equals 10."


Posted : September 7, 2013 6:30 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

I truly hope nobody was offended by my litlle joke. Despite my Germanic sounding name my Irish roots are strong enough that poking fun at the Irish is poking fun at myself. It is not the sort of joke I would normally make in polite company, but it seemed apropos in light of some of the previous humor.


Posted : September 7, 2013 3:11 pm
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

Nah didn’t bother me and I am Irish. :D I thought it was funny.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : September 7, 2013 6:11 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Still thinking about that pi reference and just generally making associations.

Question: on the HC card, has anybody given much thought to that spiderweb up in the top right corner?

It’s part of a more-or-less circular shape. It "radiates" outward. It is segmented into angles, rather like a zodiac circle. It is easy to ignore.

Any thoughts?


Posted : September 10, 2013 6:58 am
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