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Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO

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traveller1st, Subject: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:14 pm

Yes you heard me. Here’s why I think so. I haven’t even bothered to put little explanations on it I think it speaks for itself.

There’s more to come….. ;)

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:36 pm

More as promised.

This is the SLA card envelope compared with the Exorcist letter. Make up your own minds but you can see where this is heading.

Still more to come but maybe not tonight . :D

morf13, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:54 pm

Great work Trav, I agree, all from the same author, all of which being Z

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:06 pm

Thanks Morf,

and yes – all from Z.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:30 pm

:silent: :)

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:53 pm

Excellent work, thanks for doing it.

Zamantha, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:31 am

Thanks Trav.
Totally appreciate all your hard work & great eyes!
Zam *

smithy, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:14 am

Well, seems like I’ll be in the minority on this one then. Oh well. :(

glurk, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:34 am


I’ll join your minority, if only to make it a bit larger. I don’t really have an opinion to share on that "SLA" letter, but on the "Red Phantom" I say NO WAY that it is from Z.

Now, I do love the letter itself. The beauty and style of the writing could easily be made into a computer font. The curvature of all of the letters, the C in particular, is
just artistically impressive. It makes me wish that I could write like that. It has impressive style.

But did Z write it? Oh HELL NO. It’s like the complete opposite of everything he ever wrote.


EDIT and P.S.

The "Red Phantom" letter has no misspellings. It slants upward from left-to-right. It uses long "dashes" that are not seen in ANY Z letter. It appears to be written gracefully and calmly, no ‘manic’ in there at all.
It has long (and beautiful) descenders on many of the letters, such as the uppercase M, lowercase t and f in particular.

morf13, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:45 am

For those of you that dont see it, look at the word ‘CHRONICLE’. Both writers write it like C HRON IC LE. They space,or break up the word oddly. Thats is an unusual trait.

Trav,I have Zero doubt,both letters have come from Zodiac.

glurk, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:57 am

I totally disagree.


Theforeigner, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:45 am


I’ll join your minority, if only to make it a bit larger. I don’t really have an opinion to share on that "SLA" letter, but on the "Red Phantom" I say NO WAY that it is from Z.

Now, I do love the letter itself. The beauty and style of the writing could easily be made into a computer font. The curvature of all of the letters, the C in particular, is
just artistically impressive. It makes me wish that I could write like that. It has impressive style.

But did Z write it? Oh HELL NO. It’s like the complete opposite of everything he ever wrote.


EDIT and P.S.

The "Red Phantom" letter has no misspellings. It slants upward from left-to-right. It uses long "dashes" that are not seen in ANY Z letter. It appears to be written gracefully and calmly, no ‘manic’ in there at all.
It has long (and beautiful) descenders on many of the letters, such as the uppercase M, lowercase t and f in particular.

Glurk what do you think of the handwriting style Zodiac used in this July 31, 1969 cipher?

IMO this is another example of Zodiac’s ability to write neet and perfect letters.
Thise letters are nothing like the shabby handwriting he used in most of his letters.
IMO this point to that Zodiac could perform any kind of handwriting he wanted to, and that the shabby handwriting style, he mostly used, was a handwriting he invented for his Zodiac persona, and was not at all his real handwriting, FAR from IMO.
Remember how many different handwriting styles he actually used through the years, several VERY different once.
Zodiac was a master of diguise, in SOOOOOO many ways IMO

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:48 am

Ahhhhhh "constructed" criticism. See what I did there?

Yes, the Marco letter doesn’t look like Zodiac, on the surface that is, for me anyway. Seeing the envelopes together just seals it for me though because there are other factors to it that make me believe it’s genuine. I will show them in due course.

If you’re excluding it on its "fanciness" of style I wouldn’t. Look at the address on the LA Times letter, it for me shows a good strong hint as to the ability to produce a more refined text.

It’s funny that it’s the Marco one that people seem to highlight as a total no-no but actually, for me, it’s the SLA letter that looks the least like zodiac, envelope not withstanding. The Marco and SLA letters together look nothing like each other yet the envelopes are virtually identical.

As for the style of the Marco, it’s exactly that, a style. That’s why the extended descenders and flourishes, that’s why it isn’t ‘manic’ but ‘calm’, time was taken to do it. It’s crafted, I doubt many people, if any, actually write like that. If it can be shown that this is Zodiac, and I personally think it’s important to know, then we are looking at a different beast regarding penmanship. Also, it’s not as if he hasn’t shown hints at style changing in the past and actually subtly applies it right from the beginning between the first 3 letters sent and the 4 letter sent.

At the very least I hope to show some of the elements that made these considered as Z letters in the first place.

Nice graphic BTW Glurk. For about 1.25 secs I thought "How the hell did he make a font from ….. oh wait, cut n paste DUH!" :D

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:00 am

Well, seems like I’ll be in the minority on this one then. Oh well. :(

This is all your fault btw. "Don’t forget the envelopes", you said, "they are almost as important as the letters if not more-so" you said, after I’d maded the purdy gwafik for the letters.

Well I didn’t forget, I did the envelope graphic but those words still haunted me and so, here we are. :P

"Don’t forget the envelopes"

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:10 am

Yes you heard me. Here’s why I think so. I haven’t even bothered to put little explanations on it I think it speaks for itself.

There’s more to come….. ;)

I know, due to who is writing this, it maybe considered wrong and inappropriate to say this, but i actually find his ‘Red Pantom’ letter highly amusing due to its clear and deliberate irony.

"Put Marco back in the hell hole from whence it came____He has a serious psycological disorder" Coming from Zodiac, that is irony at its best!

"Always needs to feel superior" Again, this from a man who demands and craves he get the front page, the irony is amusing (as i believe he intends it to be)

"I suggest you refer him to a shrink" This i can’t help but laugh at. The writer, Zodiac, knows full well that society would say that if theres anyone who would benefit from a shrink, its him, and that he is the last person in the world to be in a position to point out someone else’s need for mental help. (Again, this is obviously done by the writer with ‘tongue in cheek’ humour)

They say the Brits love irony, and i think that is true, so if it’s deemed by some as not appropriate to find Zodiac’s sense of humour so appealing, then i will simply claim that i have a predisposition to it and cannot help it due to my nationality :-)

morf13, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:41 am

I think Trav has shown that there are indeed some things in teh writing that match Z,or are very close. When you add that to the trained document examiner that concluded it was from Z, then that is good enough for me

onewhoknows, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:46 pm

Dear Trav Are you able to get ahold of digital document analysis software? Otherwise we are looking
with our eyes and opinions, where as the pros look at the slant of the writing, where the pen picks up and lets down on
the paper, etc. I am with Smithy Red Phantom and SLA are not Zodiac

morf13, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:53 pm

Dear Trav Are you able to get ahold of digital document analysis software? Otherwise we are looking
with our eyes and opinions, where as the pros look at the slant of the writing, where the pen picks up and lets down on
the paper, etc. I am with Smithy Red Phantom and SLA are not Zodiac

They look at lots of things,spacing, number of strokes,angles,formation…etc.

mike_r, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:21 pm


I wonder why that block of code is labeled "Chronicle" when it is the one that was supposedly sent to the Examiner. I wonder if RG got his blocks mixed up.


Nachtsider, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:59 pm

I know, due to who is writing this, it maybe considered wrong and inappropriate to say this, but i actually find his ‘Red Pantom’ letter highly amusing due to its clear and deliberate irony.

"Put Marco back in the hell hole from whence it came____He has a serious psycological disorder" Coming from Zodiac, that is irony at its best!

"Always needs to feel superior" Again, this from a man who demands and craves he get the front page, the irony is amusing (as i believe he intends it to be)

"I suggest you refer him to a shrink" This i can’t help but laugh at. The writer, Zodiac, knows full well that society would say that if theres anyone who would benefit from a shrink, its him, and that he is the last person in the world to be in a position to point out someone else’s need for mental help. (Again, this is obviously done by the writer with ‘tongue in cheek’ humour)

They say the Brits love irony, and i think that is true, so if it’s deemed by some as not appropriate to find Zodiac’s sense of humour so appealing, then i will simply claim that i have a predisposition to it and cannot help it due to my nationality :-)

I don’t necessarily think these statements were ironic. They could have come from a changed Zodiac, his homicidal tendencies quelled by time on the psychiatrist’s couch.

One of my pet theories on why Zodiac quit was that he finally found a friend or friends to give him the attention he needed, or got psychiatric help.

Theforeigner, Subject: Re: Marco and SLA cards by same person IMHO Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:03 pm

I know, due to who is writing this, it maybe considered wrong and inappropriate to say this, but i actually find his ‘Red Pantom’ letter highly amusing due to its clear and deliberate irony.

"Put Marco back in the hell hole from whence it came____He has a serious psycological disorder" Coming from Zodiac, that is irony at its best!

"Always needs to feel superior" Again, this from a man who demands and craves he get the front page, the irony is amusing (as i believe he intends it to be)

"I suggest you refer him to a shrink" This i can’t help but laugh at. The writer, Zodiac, knows full well that society would say that if theres anyone who would benefit from a shrink, its him, and that he is the last person in the world to be in a position to point out someone else’s need for mental help. (Again, this is obviously done by the writer with ‘tongue in cheek’ humour)

They say the Brits love irony, and i think that is true, so if it’s deemed by some as not appropriate to find Zodiac’s sense of humour so appealing, then i will simply claim that i have a predisposition to it and cannot help it due to my nationality :-)

I don’t necessarily think these statements were ironic. They could have come from a changed Zodiac, his homicidal tendencies quelled by time on the psychiatrist’s couch.

One of my pet theories on why Zodiac quit was that he finally found a friend or friends to give him the attention he needed, or got psychiatric help.

I think you are BOTH right, it was IMO a combination.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : April 16, 2013 8:04 pm
Posts: 3583
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Also relevant here is this excellent spot by Queen of Clews.


I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : April 16, 2013 8:05 pm
Posts: 3583
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Dear Trav Are you able to get ahold of digital document analysis software? Otherwise we are looking
with our eyes and opinions, where as the pros look at the slant of the writing, where the pen picks up and lets down on
the paper, etc. I am with Smithy Red Phantom and SLA are not Zodiac

Sorry It’s taken so long for me to answer this Judith. Yes we are looking at it with our eyes but I do have an advantage. I was trained in manual artwork and the finer arts of font usage and construction before computers became the norm in graphic design. I have hand written fonts and created some as well. I am well versed in photographic and reproduction techniques by hand so I’m not just saying that I think something looks like something else. I have many years of experience in aspects that some document examiners might not even have had.

That being said, I don’t have their experience but I am able to offer an opinion on such matter that few outside of document examination are able to claim. There are many things that I can’t explain but all I ever offer is my opinion and it is based from years practical experience. I don’t need software to explain to me what I see. Any opinions I offer are the best I can at the time and backed up by hands on experience of fonts and handwriting and the art therein.

It doesn’t mean I’m right but I’m certainly more qualified to offer an opinion than most.

Ps I love that you addressed me as Dear Trav, So old school but rightly so, so delightful and personal. TY My dear Judith, always your friend Trav.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : May 10, 2013 4:42 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Dear Trav,
Nope, sorry mate, I still don’t think so!
Sorry, I was right about the envelopes though. I think I said that mainly because of the Riverside ones…. ;)

The comments in the letter to Marco are only ironic if attributed to The Zodiac.
If you substitute the voice of "an annoyed housewife and mother of two", they also makes very good sense!

Say, it would be ironic if we’re looking at the wrong envelopes (per mike_r’s comment). Perhaps we are…

Posted : May 10, 2013 12:21 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

The comments in the letter to Marco are only ironic if attributed to The Zodiac.
If you substitute the voice of "an annoyed housewife and mother of two", they also makes very good sense!

I agree smithy.

I have always thought the SLA card was simply written by a member of the SLA. So…it wouldn’t surprise me if the (several) women in the SLA were NOT fond of "Count Marco".

As many know, the SLA also wrote the papers. They made Patty Hearst write too if I remember correctly.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : May 10, 2013 9:02 pm