Well they found no evidence that Robison had angered the mafia in some major way. And 98 – 99% of the time mob hits take out the target and do not go out of their way to kill the wife and especially the children. Here the FIRST SHOT killed Mr. Robison. There was no reason for Scolaro or a hitman to enter the house, where they the teenage sons had hunting rifles, to increase danger for themselves and drastically increase public and police outrage, increase resources for the hunt for the killer and increase the punishment if caught.
There have been hundreds and hundreds of mafia executions Show me all the ones were the wife and kids were killed as well. Might be one or two, but it is rare IMO.
There absolutely was intentional body stacking, matching SB 6/4/63 and Ohio Bricca family 9/27/66. IIRC the Mafia does not often use .22 pistol, especially a cheap one sold by Sears, the JC Higgins. Mafia most often uses .38, .45, shotguns or automatic weapons. Out of the hundreds of weapons available, the one used matches ballistics and ammo to possible Zodiac crime SB 6/4/63 and confirmed Zodiac crime LHR 12/20/68.
Thanks for reading and researching. You found some helpful stuff and interesting items.
Let’s assume for a moment that this is Zodiac. There is a bit of a Team Zodiac whiff to the whole thing. Pohl is in LA County at the time of the SB murders and in Salinas in time for the canonical Zodiac attacks. He is at once very engaged with the investigators and very cagey about some specific aspects of his answers.
Scolaro has the Army Intel and comms/code background. Robinson is initially a printer and is interested in Rosicrucian symbolism. All three are connected to universities and an arts crowd, and are obviously part of some kind of clandestine underground. Robinson is both a painter and a writer. He takes a trip to San Francisco just before he is murdered. I could definitely see these guys hanging out with someone like Manalli, for example.
But of course, this is all pure speculation. The facts in the file suggest a simpler explanation.
The business associate of Robinson bought two Beretta 950 Jetfire .25 ACP pistols on the same day. The people were shot with a Beretta 950 Jetfire .25 ACP pistol. It’s odd he bought two of the same pistols at the same time. He turned over one of the guns for ballistics testing. It did not match the weapon used in the murder. The other 950 jetfire was never found.
The business associate of Robinson bought two Beretta 950 Jetfire .25 ACP pistols on the same day. The people were shot with a Beretta 950 Jetfire .25 ACP pistol. It’s odd he bought two of the same pistols at the same time. He turned over one of the guns for ballistics testing. It did not match the weapon used in the murder. The other 950 jetfire was never found.
The victims were shot multiple times by a .22 weapon and shot in the head by .25 weapon, which might have been Robison’s Beretta.
After the Detroit riots, Scolaro purchased two .25 pistols, and multiple witnesses said he kept one and gave one to Robison. Scolaro also owned a .22 rifle, but he did not own a JC Higgins pistol.
Zodiac owned a .22 JC Higgins.
In Ted Kaczynski’s cabin, they found a .22 pistol and rifle, and a. 25 pistol. (Along with a hand made black hood, a gun with a flashlight attached and the preferred ammo of both Zodiac and Zodius, .22 Winchester Super X).
I was looking at a Jetfire to buy but I opted for a Kahr CW380. The Kahr is approximately the same weight as the Beretta but it fires a.380 ACP bullet which is far superior to the 25 ACP round. I have a 9mm Kahr CM9 as well. The Zodiac better not mess with me. My Cane Corso will bite the bad leg off of the Zodiac too. She will tear Zodiac limb from limb.’I bet the Zodiac would have a heart attack if he comes over here he would be so scared. Oh he sure would.
He would come to la casa de la muerte.
[On theories the killer was Scolaro and/or a mafia hitman].
Well this case was exhaustively investigated and there was absolutely no evidence of mafia involvement. It was physically impossible for Scolaro to travel 300 miles from the Robison cabin murder at 830 – 9:00 and be seen at 11:15 in Detroit, some 2 – 3 hours later. The so called embezzlement motive for Scolaro simply doesn’t exist. Despite police and prosecutors looking hard, no charges of embezzlement were brought.
If you just killed six people, would you agree to extensive interviews with police, with no lawyer present, and agree to lie detector tests?
Police told Scolaro he had the right to remain silent and the right to have an attorney present if he did answer questions. Mr. Scolaro stated he was glad to answer any and all questions, and would do so without an attorney present, because he "had nothing to hide".
Scolaro had nothing to do with Roebert. He did not make those calls from San Francisco. Roebert told Robison to check his bank account for his $200,000 deposit on 6/25/68, when Robison and his family were waiting for him to arrive. On the police theory of the case, Scolaro did not want Robison to check his account and discover his "embezzlement". The alleged embezzlement didn’t exist, but Scolaro did pad his expense account. He told police that Roebert’s behavior was strange and he should be investigated.
This is one thing I have learned from my personal experience and over 20 years studying serial murder cases: Often when there is a serial murder case, BEFORE it is linked to a series, police usually look at suspects like the spouse, ex – boyfriend, spurned lovers, business rivals, ex – business partner or the "local weirdo".
This case has key aspects that fit into both the Zodiac series and the Midwestern family home invasion murders series.
Zodius & Zodiac
1. Name derived from the word Zodiacus.
2. Wrote to newspapers with inside knowledge of the crime only the killer or his associate could know.
3. Demands newspaper publish his cryptic message and name.
4. Targets Male – Female couple.
5. Police identified weapon used as .22 pistol, six lands and grooves, right twist, most likely from a Sears JC Higgins.
6. Used .22 Winchester Super X ammo.
7. Fired through glass window (Zodius house window, Zodiac car window).
Robison Murders & Midwest Family Home Invasion Murders
1. Father in high tech or computer related business – Percy, Bricca, Sims, Robison.
2. Body stacking – Bricca, Robison, also possible Zodiac crime Domingos & Edwards.
3. Exposed female – Percy, Robison, also possible Zodiac crime Domingos & Edwards.
4. Female’s head and face brutally beaten beyond recognition with a hammer – Percy, Robison.
5. Victims bound – Bricca, Sims, also possible and confirmed Zodiac crimes of Domingos & Edwards and Hartnell & Shepard.
Couple of clarifications: I don’t think Scolaro was the murderer. I think he may have facilitated the murders. I don’t think Scolaro was Mr. Roebert, but I think he may have helped create the illusion of a Mr. Roebert.
To me, the crux of this case is that they were at the cottage to wait for Mr. Roebert to pick them up in his private jet to take them to Kentucky for a business meeting, and then to Florida, presumably for a vacation.
No jet or other aircraft ever showed up at a local airport. If a serial killer had found them assembled at the cottage by chance, the aircraft would have shown up looking for them, and gone home when they didn’t find the family at the airport. A private jet does not go unnoticed at a local airport in the upper peninsula, even today. Robinson was a pilot who often flew in from Detroit and was well known at the local airports. The local FBOs were aware of him and would have known if an out-of-town aircraft had arrived to pick him up.
The other possibility is that the fake pick-up would have to be part of a serial killer’s elaborate plan, prepared over a period of months. Not likely.
This was clearly an ambush, and carefully prepared. Robinson was lured to his death by the possibility of a big payday. The unanswered question is, by whom?
Or you have to assume that the Robinsons were setup by the fake Mr. Roebert AND a serial killer got there first by chance. Not the simplest explanation.
William T Rasmussen, author of Corroborating Evidence III, presents evidence that the Zodiac Killer may be responsible for Midwest home invasion murders such as the assault on the home of Charles Percy, on the shores of Lake Michigan in Winnetka, Illinois, that left Valerie Percy dead, and the Robison murders, also near the shores of Lake Michigan in Blisswood, Emmett County, Michigan, which left the husband and wife, plus four children dead. He believes and presents evidence that the likely killer of the Robisons was the mysterious "Roebert", who was also the "Zodius" who wrote the newspaper with knowledge of the crime only the killer or an associate would know. He also lays out the evidence – only some of which I have shown here – that Roebert/Zodius, who called from San Francisco, and spoke in a robotic, monotone voice, was also the Zodiac Killer.
In the police file, I found confirmation that Mr. Robison was found dead with a St. Christopher medal on his neck. This puzzled family, friends and associates of Mr. Robison, as he was Lutheran, not Catholic, and none of them ever saw him wearing the medal before. Author Rasmussen, myself and other researchers feel the killer placed the medal on him after death. As part of the continuing elaborate ruse to lead police to think that a businessman named Mr. Roebert killed the Robison family.
Based on this information and other police descriptions of the medal this is my rough rendering of what it might have looked like.
Interestingly their was a Roebert Family from Michigan. I have tied one branch down (Melbourne Charles Roebert), in 1940’s they were at Wayne, Michigan (30 Mins from Lathrup Village) in the late 50’s they moved to Los Angles and then in 60’s I have them at San Dimas, CA (40 Mins from Riverside).
I have found another branch which lived in the Oak Lawn area of Illinois in the 60’s and were members of the Lutheran Church.
Also there was a Father Michael M Roebert.
At least one survivor has come forward alleging child sexual abuse by Fr. Michael M. Roebert, from approximately 1969 to 1970, while he worked at St. Joseph’s in Pomona. Fr. Roebert was named in a 2003 child sexual abuse lawsuit. In 2004, the Archdiocese investigated the allegations of child sexual abuse and found them to be unsubstantiated. Fr. Roebert was included in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ list of priests accused of sexual misconduct involving minors. It is believed Fr. Roebert is still in active ministry at St. Lucy in Long Beach, CA and it is unknown whether he has access to minors.
1966: Ordained
1967: Unknown
1968-1970: St. Joseph, Pomona, CA; Pomona Catholic Girls High School, Pomona, CA
1970-1972: St. Anthony, Oxnard, CA
1972-1976: St. Monica, Santa Monica, CA
1974-1976: St. Monica High School, Santa Monica, CA
1976-1995: St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, CA
1995-1996: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Montebello, CA
1996-2003: St. Lucy, Long Beach, CA
2004-2018: Unknown
Fr Roebert, year unknown
Anyone notice the wedding date on the ring is 9.27? ….. Could that mean something …or just a coincidence ?
This case is insane!
What a fantastic find, these family murders scream zodiac could the Christopher medal placed around me robisons neck belong to the same “Richard” that and Darlene ferrin knew and said to mike mageau about before they were attacked and shot at? The same “Richard” that seagull got information from retired detective butch carlsteldt concerning the Santa Rosa hitchhiker murders? (Which I think are also linked to zodiac case), the name “Richard” keeps jumping out in a few cases! Does anyone have any more information on this Richard Anderson? He was a suspect along with Fred Manalli in the SRHM before he committed suicide, he was an ex convict and I think that is where Manalli possibly met him or taught him in prison