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Sergeant Elias Sanchez Enriquez

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On the above topic, I mentioned about a psychic who claimed that Zodiac was a police officer who died by commiting suicide, and that one of his names was "Sanchez". After I detected some red herrings from this psychic, I came to the conclusion that this is obvious non-sense (despite that, I dont completely dismiss psychics), but here is one of this coincidences which we often find:

A police officer, Sergeant Elias Sanchez Enriquez, died by drowning on the Jan 23rd of 1974, when he supposedly slipped and feel into the California Aqueduct – a week latter (30th of January), the SF Chronicle receives Zodiacs "Exorcist Letter", where he quotes the lyrics of the song Tit-Willow from the Mikado, about a bird dying of a broken heart and falling into a "billowy wave" of a river.

In here, it states that the investigation to the death of Sergeant Elias Sanchez Enriquez came to the conclusion that he had "apparently slipped" – http://www.thecahp.org/memorial/elias-s-enriquez

On the "Reflections for Sergeant Elias Sanchez Enriquez" page, a retired police officer states that the circumstances of his death were "unusual", and I have to agree with that, since we are speaking about a police officer.

Could Officer Enriquez have been one of Zodiacs so-called "fake accidents"?

Posted : May 16, 2017 6:05 pm