Strange, I imagined that the meaning would be the same as in Portuguese (the act of doing something), I found something like that on the net.
Thank you for observing Mr Secret
Hi, just resurrecting this old thread with something I recently observed.
It is not something that I firmly believe is real and a solution in itself , not least because I have not even tested other ways that would generate other results. So don’t take all this too seriously.
(I noticed that the topics , in some posts , in the site change got deconfigured .)
1- Notice the snippets in the decoded text
BECOME” and “MY NAME” (“become my name” is very suggestive)
2- Arrange the text in columns, with the same shape as the original cipher (17 columns and 24 lines)
3-Move only columns 13 and 14 upwards,
3-1 Letter E of “BECOM E” 1 up
3-2 Letter N of “N ame ” 3 upwards
Notice that, the whole text block of the columns move together
4-Incriguingly, the following message appears
Context :
Observe that
“BECOME MY ‘ and ” NAME ” are suggestively positioned in the columns , so , that , without much imagination, it could be an initial sub message indicating something
The transposition is simple and without much arbitrariness, and the letters move simultaneously (which puts all the letters together to form the final sub-message), which makes it very difficult to “force” a message.
That the final message, “IN CUT DO MY NAME BOO, I AM ALLEN” speaks about itself (cut and
make the name)
“IN CUT IM LEIGH” in other figure
That, the position of the transposed columns are 13 and 14 and that their conpensation movements are on 1 and 3 (13) which is suggestive (Z13)
-The known correspondence sent by zodiaco on 10/24/70, more than a year after the letters with the Z408 cipher codes were sent, contains interesting elements that we can observe
-The way of writing (” PARADICE SLAVES in cross)
– 13 eyes and (4-teen)
-PARADICE in vertical
-“I ll CLUE in..”
It should be noted that, by doing only ONE transposition of column 14 (Look 4-TEEN in the card), , downwards in this case, something like
Fresno st , the street on which Leigh Allen lived
I also noticed that some words appear diagonally, but these words are very interesting because of the CONTEXT (Halloween card, and the Red Mask magazine).
Gun and Fire .
It is only a theoretical “analysis”, without mathematical depth (probabilities, mathematical combinations, etc.), more intuitive, therefore, without the possibility of validating that it is something certain and that it does not generate doubts.