Thanks duckking. Still not smoking. Wish I could.
I have to say as confident as I have been on Allen in the past i am increasingly haunted by Richard Walter’s assessment of the case, whose profile doesn’t sound anything near to Allen. Or anyone else I would have fingered. And Richard is my new hero. I have long been bothered by a certain blank spot in our understanding all the way round in profiling. It was like a fluffy dessert that amounted to not-a-hell-of-alot.It was broader than could be useful in this case.
Its like in math, how, theoretically, there is limitless space between the numbers one and two. New numbers would have to be invented to quantify all the numbers between any two whole numbers. Z is caught in there. Most guys just tend toward the whole numbers. Z is some undiscovered shadow. He’s Zero. Zero doesn’t mean "nothing". it simply means undefined. I am sure the real Z was probably a math nerd to a degree.
My point being, Walter is someone I would listen to over anyone else. I am staggered by his insights. I thought Douglas and Ressler were pretty much God but Walter has all of them beat. And if he is telling me something that is opposite of everything I have thought up til now, I am going to listen.
Doesn’t mean he is 100 percent correct, tho.
Being new to the site I am getting around to reading a lot of these posts now. As I posted in my introduction I have lived all my life in S.F. and was in High School here during all this. I have a question for Mike R. from a May 31 post. He mentioned something about the Stine eyewitnesses and also Officer Fouke. I may have read it wrong but I thought he implied the kid witnesses had been identified at some point. In my introduction I mentioned that I was going to High school with thee oldest son and had met his sister at one point at a school dance. I remember him telling some of us at the time that his sister had been at a party and been witness to this. Being 45 years ago I really don’t remember much more of the conversation or his involvement but looking at a school directory I still have it was his address that checked out with the witness house. My question is I always wondered if their identity had ever been made known. I figured it had not. I can see at the time why as they were kids and I can see why now also as they would not want attention to themselves and all the invasion of their privacy. Was any of this published and if so is there a link to check out?
Thanks charliemartin
Misspellings kill me. I am really enjoying "This is the Zodiac Speaking" but the fact that in the prologue the world "grizzly" is written for "grisly" is one of those horrors I find a hard time overlooking.
That’s not a misspelling though Mystery, that’s proper Queen’s english. The Z spelling (as in using the letter Z, not everyone’s favourite phantom killer) is for the breed of bear.
I only bring this up as I too get pissed off that editors sleep on their jobs and allow misspellings or misprints to hit their pages, I have a highlighted version of old Robbie G’s yellow book filled with various typing and editing errors.