Upon the recent news of Mr X’s, or Kjell Qvale’s, death I googled him to read any articles and obituaries. I came across an article about Kjell written back in 2008. This particular article has a comment section at the foot of the page where three subscribers have commented. One of these commenters user names is ‘Larry Kane’ who asks "WHAT WAS KJELL OVALE’S CONNECTION IN RELATION TO ARTHUR LEE ALLEN?" Then a second commenter answers "Must admit, you have us stumped. Please tell us that you know". Then a final 3rd commenter, Joe, replies "Larry Kane knows".
Now even though this comment was posted on the page by ‘Larry Kane’ in 2009 which makes it possible that it was him, I am not claiming that is it actually posted by THE Lawrence Kane. It just got me thinking of the reasons for someone to post this? Then I remembered Kane had his own Auto-Dealership at one point and Kjell was a giant in the Auto Industry who specialised in the importing of British vehicles and founded the International Auto Show, which saw 40 major vehicle manufacturers from around the world will display their products.
I am wondering if the commenters question of what is ALA’s connection to Kjell Qvale is a sarcastic one hinting at the connection actually being with the name of the commenter.
So, anyone in a position to do any checks to discover if Kane & Qvale had any professional and/or personal connection?
Article with comments at foot of page can be seen here: http://www.sportscardigest.com/kjell-qv … -industry/
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
I heard that Allen owned an Austin Healey and had a fancy for British cars. It is conceivable that they could have encountered each other at some road rally event or something. That is the only thing I can speculate on, though. There were British car dealerships in the North Bay, so Allen didn’t have to go to SF to go to one but who knows if he may have dome so at some point.
They do seem to be on opposite ends of the social ladder, though.
If you can believe Allen, he was in Riverside on the weekend of the race. So was X, at least until his entry got scratched the day before the event. What he may have done after that is unknown. But it is of interest that he was in Riverside on that particular weekend and that there was also another race the weekend of April 30th (in which he had no cars entered).
None of this proves they actually met each other but it reduces the degrees of separation to the pursuit of the same hobby. I don’t spend time mulling over this possible relationship in my report, though.
Cryptic, unattributed "hints" of unsure meaning are a real b^&ch…. They are probably wild goose chase items.
Mike Rodelli
Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli
I heard that Allen owned an Austin Healey and had a fancy for British cars. It is conceivable that they could have encountered each other at some road rally event or something. That is the only thing I can speculate on, though. There were British car dealerships in the North Bay, so Allen didn’t have to go to SF to go to one but who knows if he may have dome so at some point.
They do seem to be on opposite ends of the social ladder, though.
If you can believe Allen, he was in Riverside on the weekend of the race. So was X, at least until his entry got scratched the day before the event. What he may have done after that is unknown. But it is of interest that he was in Riverside on that particular weekend and that there was also another race the weekend of April 30th (in which he had no cars entered).
None of this proves they actually met each other but it reduces the degrees of separation to the pursuit of the same hobby. I don’t spend time mulling over this possible relationship in my report, though.
Cryptic, unattributed "hints" of unsure meaning are a real b^&ch….
They are probably wild goose chase items.
Well British car Company Ford released two new model’s in the late 60’s. The Ford Zephyr, and Ford Zodiac. There was even a hybrid version called, unsurprisingly ‘Zephyr-Zodiac’. It is interesting to me that Kane, an Auto dealer, Lived in Zephyr Cove, NV. I have often wondered that if Kane were The Zodiac, did he opt for the alias of Zodiac based on this British Vehicle and because it links to his residence of Zephyr Cove? A kinda ‘Zodiac in Zephyr Cove’ hint. Here’s a link to one website’s tribute to Ford’s Zephyr/Zodiac vehicles 1966 – 1972: http://classics.honestjohn.co.uk/review … odiac-mk4/
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
It’s also very interesting to me that Mr x, Kjell Qvale, the man seen and spoken to at Maple & Jackson st minutes after Stine’s murder, made his millions by importing largely British Vehicles. Kane being a car dealer also, I can’t help wonder if there is a connection. I realise that this is mere speculation on my part, but I hope you can see what I am basing this speculation on.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.