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Social Security Num…
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Social Security Number. How do I…?

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Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
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Can anyone point my to a website where you can enter a S.S No. and it will tell you details of who the person is/was? Even the most basic of details such as what State the S.S No. corresponds to?

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : February 22, 2014 2:56 am
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

Here’s a rough guide to determining the state, Chappie. Since the Social Security # is given at birth, however, it would represent where a person was born, not necessarily where they live. Not sure how to tie the SS# to a particular person but I’m sure it can be done.


New Hampshire 001-003 Louisiana 433-439 & 659-665
Maine 004-007 Oklahoma 440-448
Vermont 008-009 Texas 449-467 & 627-647
Massachusetts 010-034 Minnesota 468-477
Rhode Island 035-039 Iowa 478-485
Connecticut 040-049 Missouri 486-500
New York 050-134 North Dakota 501-502
New Jersey 135-158 South Dakota 503-504
Pennsylvania 159-211 Nebraska 505-508
Maryland 212-220 Kansas 508-515
Delaware 221-222 Montana 516-517
Virginia 223-231 & 691-699 Idaho 518-519
West Virginia – North Carolina 232 Wyoming 520
West Virginia 233-236 Colorado 521-524 & 650-653
North Carolina 237-246 & 681-690 New Mexico 525 & 585 & 648-649
South Carolina 247-251 & 654-658 Arizona 526-527 & 600-601 & 764-765
Georgia 252-260 & 667-675 Utah 528-529
Florida 261-267 & 589-595 & 765-772 Nevada 530 & 680
Ohio 268-302 Washington 531-539
Indiana 303-317 Oregon 540-544
Illinois 318-361 California 545-573 & 602-626
Michigan 362-386 Alaska 574
Wisconsin 387-399 Hawaii 575-576 & 750-751
Kentucky 400-407 District of Columbia 577-579
Tennessee 408-415 & 756-763 Virgin Islands 580
Alabama 416-424 Guam, American Samoa & Philippines 586
Mississippi 425-428 & 587-588 & 752-755 Puerto Rico 596-599
Arkansas 429-432 & 676-679
Railroad 700-728
Enumeration of Entery 729-733

Posted : February 22, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Back in the day social security numbers were issued when you got a job for tax purposes not at birth like they are now. I got my social security card when I was 15 years old. Apparently the reason the numbers are now issued at birth is because people took advantage of the system and claimed children on their taxes that did not exist so they could get greater deductions. Go figure, it took the social security administration a few decades to figure that one out! I recall that when my son was born in 1975 we had to get him a social security number by the time he was 2 years old to continue to claim him on our taxes.

Because the numbers back then were not issued until you started working, the beginning three numbers would not necessarily denote where you were born but where you first started working.


Posted : February 22, 2014 4:25 am
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

Thanks for the clarification, Seagull. I did not know that.

Posted : February 22, 2014 11:03 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

I found a website that tells you what State each No. is issued out of, and one was issued out of New York, the other Missouri. Thank you both for the comments and advice. Over here in the UK it’s not that much different, we get issued a National Insurance No. at 16 for the purpose of paying Tax to those nice people down at The Government.

Deb, that’s interesting, over here National Insurance (Or N.I Number for short) are still only issued to a UK Citizen once that person is 16 years of age. They couldn’t issue them prior to this I wouldn’t think because having an N.I No. means you can legally work full time in the UK as an adult. I can’t see how, whether it be A SS No or N.I No, you can issue one to a child because, and I realise it may be different over there to here, it would mean that a 11 year old could apply for a full time job as A Cab driver for example :-/ No employer could legally employ anyone under 16 anyway because they are not insured to cover a minor should they have an accident or sustain an injury. Anyway, I’m going off topic now so to go back to SS No’s here’s what I would like to get the answers to above all else…

A) In the State’s, is it legal for a person to have more than one SS No?
B) If yes, what would be a typical example of when someone may need more than one?

The only circumstance I could think of where a person may need, and be officially issued a new SS. No. by the Government, is for people who enter the witness protection programme and obviously have a whole new Identity.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : February 25, 2014 10:42 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

WC I do not know anything about the income taxes in the UK but here in the US you get a deduction off your gross income for each dependent. In order to get that deduction the dependent needs to have a social security number. The social security did not start out that way but because of abuse of the system it has ended up that way.

No it is not legal for someone to have more than one social security number. Your example is the only one I can think of, too, where there would be an exception.


Posted : February 25, 2014 10:55 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

WC I do not know anything about the income taxes in the UK but here in the US you get a deduction off your gross income for each dependent. In order to get that deduction the dependent needs to have a social security number. The social security did not start out that way but because of abuse of the system it has ended up that way.

No it is not legal for someone to have more than one social security number. Your example is the only one I can think of, too, where there would be an exception.

Ok, it helps to know that is isn’t legal to have more than one SS No. because at least I now know Kane having at least two was illegal. His N.Y SS No. is the one he was given and is his original one it seems, but where this second one comes from that was issued by the State of Missouri I have no idea. It starts X500 which correlates with MO apparently.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : February 25, 2014 11:16 pm