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Bryan Hartnell's Get Well Soon Cards

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Posts: 608
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They think we don’t get that TV has so much baggage he can’t say anything to anyone as a critic without it boomeranging back around.

Solution: Get yourself a doll to claim they have no affiliation with you or anything you say or do. Make sure they start off by saying "I have no POI, no dog in the race… " and then everything else they say aligns with what TV wanted to say but can’t.

Of all the places to pull that one you would think criminology the last place to try it on.

Must think we were born yesterday. 8-)

www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : August 20, 2020 1:32 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

I have another question, though. Didn’t you get most of your information about Gaikowski = Zodiac from BBllaaiinnee’s research work?

That is 100% nonsense, the exact type of nonsense that originated with this guy: http://zodiackiller.com/MikeButterfield.html

But by all means, stay ignorant, it suits you.

Posted : August 20, 2020 1:33 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Now go read all the posts with TV telling people Fouke got it wrong and the composite is nonsense.

I have literally never said such a thing, nor did Fouke ever contribute to the composite drawings.

Buyer beware.

Posted : August 20, 2020 1:35 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

People like Tom Voigt can’t understand that. He abused so many persons online throughout the years, and he still can’t get that his behavior is not acceptable and has never been, and that’s why he’s got such a shitty reputation and gets such a low level of respect.


I’m respected by those who matter, both law enforcement as well as the families of the victims.

Posted : August 20, 2020 1:37 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

And Voigt goes out as innocent, once again? :|

I finally got you to elaborate about Gaikowski and you barfed on yourself like I knew you would. Go get your shine box.

Posted : August 20, 2020 1:38 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Again, I’m getting tired of conflicts on the Internet…

Then why did you initiate a conflict by introducing Gaikowski in a taunting manner, into a thread that was not about Gaikowski? I didn’t do that; you did.

You’re not just ignorant, you’re a hypocrite.

Posted : August 20, 2020 1:41 am
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

People like Tom Voigt can’t understand that. He abused so many persons online throughout the years, and he still can’t get that his behavior is not acceptable and has never been, and that’s why he’s got such a shitty reputation and gets such a low level of respect.


I’m respected by those who matter, both law enforcement as well as the families of the victims.

And yet you behave like the biggest jerk when they’re not looking, that’s such a disgrace.

I add you as foe, as far as I’m concerned. I hate to do that type of things on Web boards but I want to be able to keep coming here to read all the interesting things other people (than you) here have to say about this case. So long, you won’t be missed.

Posted : August 20, 2020 2:02 am
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

Again, I’m getting tired of conflicts on the Internet…

Then why did you initiate a conflict by introducing Gaikowski in a taunting manner, into a thread that was not about Gaikowski? I didn’t do that; you did.

You’re not just ignorant, you’re a hypocrite.

And you act like a jerk, that’s what I taunted you, because that’s the only type of reactions people like you get from me. Bye anyway, I add you as foe.

Posted : August 20, 2020 2:04 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

And yet you behave like the biggest jerk when they’re not looking, that’s such a disgrace.

So…I’m such a jerk for exposing your ignorance about Gaikowski — something YOU initiated? Or am I a jerk for defending myself against a thief like BDHOLLAND, who has stolen material multiple times from both me and others? Or am I a jerk for correcting lies told about me? If any of that makes me a jerk, I’m happy to be a jerk.

Please block me, you’re a total idiot.

Posted : August 20, 2020 2:07 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Again, I’m getting tired of conflicts on the Internet…

Then why did you initiate a conflict by introducing Gaikowski in a taunting manner, into a thread that was not about Gaikowski? I didn’t do that; you did.

You’re not just ignorant, you’re a hypocrite.

And you act like a jerk, that’s what I taunted you, because that’s the only type of reactions people like you get from me. Bye anyway, I add you as foe.


Posted : August 20, 2020 2:09 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

And Voigt goes out as innocent, once again? :|

There’s a very long thread over at Tom’s forum BDHOLLAND started. Tom told him to start it, and barely made three posts in the entire thread and never gave BD any shit. You can blame a lot of things on Tom if you want, but this isn’t one of them.

As I said, no one had said anything to BD for over four months and then he started with his lies. Any ill will caused in that thread was long over, done and dusted. BD is the one who decided to start it back up.

Posted : August 20, 2020 2:20 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

There’s a very long thread over at Tom’s forum BDHOLLAND started. Tom told him to start it, and barely made three posts in the entire thread and never gave BD any shit.

Thank you, but they don’t like the truth.

Posted : August 20, 2020 2:29 am
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

No problem, CC, let’s close that feud on the conclusion that these 2 guys are major trolls, fine by me! :)

Posted : August 20, 2020 2:36 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Excuse me if I don’t respond to your dodging my questions, I found myself a good read: http://zodiackillerfacts.com/zodiac-theories/the-accused-the-accusers/richard-gaikowski-the-wrong-man/tom-voigt-the-good-times-switchboard-revisionist-history/

That article has made-up quotes attributed to me. Here’s the liar who wrote it: http://zodiackiller.com/MikeButterfield.html

Posted : August 20, 2020 4:22 am
Posts: 608
Honorable Member
Topic starter

People like Tom Voigt can’t understand that. He abused so many persons online throughout the years, and he still can’t get that his behavior is not acceptable and has never been, and that’s why he’s got such a shitty reputation and gets such a low level of respect.


I’m respected by those who matter, both law enforcement as well as the families of the victims.

And yet you behave like the biggest jerk when they’re not looking, that’s such a disgrace.

I actually forgive TV. I just don’t forget. It is how I deal with him.

You did nothing to him, pointed out some hypocrisy and were personally attacked for it and then his puppet came along enjoying it as usual and trying to justify that harassment.

Using the victims families and LE assigned to the case as a character reference to condone his abuse of others. :o

He is a cyberstalker of the Zodiac community and has harassed countless people over the decades. He has a list of targets big enough to turn into a Twitter movement. TV doesn’t have any victims though. Just "targets" because he fails to achieve what he emotional wants. I’m still here. Many of his other targets are still here. So what he is trying to do is actually weak in achieving results.

He monitors his targets as evident from his screenshots (sourcing himself again of course), gathering info to intimidate people, trying to embarrass them, trying to cause them distress with malice intent. This isn’t about ‘truth’ or good journalism. It’s about him getting off on it.

Who peaks on those things in a serial killer true crime community? Half of us study these traits! :?

How do people feel about joining zk.com now? If TV will dox your email, what else will he try to do? It is so obvious why the Zodiac community considers him bad news. They don’t want someone that messed up being the face for us.

He isn’t. We are not like TV. Not one bit.

He is banned from Reddit for doxxing for example. In fact he has probably 100 bans with all his alt usernames. There isn’t one redditor on the main Zodiac sub who doesn’t know this a fact. TV couldn’t have predicted Reddit. Reddit just up and exposes whatever it wants and he can’t do anything about it. I lump him in with Putin-lovers and N.Korea when it comes to hating on Reddit because he dislikes it for the same reasons they do.

The fact is TV has no control over his intended targets here. Reddit, he just registers a few new IDs per week and so gets around his bans for awhile. He doesn’t have the influence he has on zk.com nor does he get to intimidate on here with people pointing out what a sad attempt at bullying he is trying on. We are talking about a guy who goes out of his way to create media to target many individuals. That cyberstalking motivation is called domination. Long-term campaign. We have seen this all before. It’s a profile and his case is severe. He knows it is unwanted, tells you he knows it is unwanted, understands you say no, and then attacks. All of that is important for him to get his emotional need. Without knowing he is antagonizing he can’t get off.

He does all this with criminologists because that’s important to him also. It factors into the emotional need. One could call it his signature.

Cyberstalkers will try to justify their stalking. They will victim blame. So you get excuses for why all that history exists and is still ongoing.

Someone like that obsessed usually externalizes it from the digital world into the ‘real’ world also. There is nothing you can do about someone whose climax is with these pathological obsessions to abuse. The law stops them and neuters all that. They can’t stop themselves.

The most important thing for everyone who has been targeted, harassed and abused by TV and his tiny company is this…

You are not alone and he is a coward who is very afraid. ;)

The only reason you don’t see his intended targets coming together with a community letter is because our focus is not there. It’s with the SK victims and their families and trying to help get a resolve.

Sticking TV and a few of his fluffers on ignore makes everything get better really fast. Like night and day. Flipping a switch.

As TV himself is fond of saying "The internet does not forget."

Damn right it doesn’t but do you know who else doesn’t forget? Human beings. People.

www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : August 20, 2020 11:01 am
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