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Cecilia Shepard and the Mikado

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Found that one, this would explain why Z had used the Mikado as a theme..thanks Howard


July Fourth I spoke with Leo Suennen,Darlene Ferrins brother.Also, I interviewed a former room mate of Cecilia Shepard.
Leo told me that he does not remember any middle age’mysterious stranger’ at the so called painting party.He said that some were relatives and others he knew as aquaintances.He did say that Buzz Gordon dropped by later in the evening, but he left after a short time.

He was with a friend sometime after the attack at BRS and his friend told him that he and another buddy were on the hilltop near the park and heard the series of shots 7/5/69!I was able to take some photos of Leo at the site.He was very cooperative.He wanted an icecream so we caught the goodhumor mans truck!
CASs former roommate(I will withhold her name as she did not give me permission to use it – I failed to ask)told me that she and CAS went to Newport Beach,CA, at least a "dozen times."This surprised me as I have been trying to place CJB(which I did,including Joseph Bates)and CAS there.My guy used to hang out there during the same period they were there.

I kept questioning her about NB as it really did startle me-it took a long time to hear that info.

Ed has already posted(see his post in this regard) on the military/shoe salesman the roommate spoke of in connection with CAS and her dating him once,etc.

After I carefully questioned her she admitted that it was the salesman that sold CAS some boots,that told CAS he was in the military.So we only have his statement to CAS to go on.

He may have just been a salesman and wanted to spice up his background a bit.He may have worked on a base and that is another possibility or he really was a serviceman earning extra money moonlighting.This person did take CAS to the Mikado in L.A.He worked in a mall in San Bernardino,CA at the time.He is a mystery and should be looked at, at least to ID him, if at all possible.
The roommate said she and CAS loved the Mikado and listened to records with songs from that play.The strangers offer of free tickets to the Mikado appealed to CAS and she went to the play with him.This was kept secret from her parents.

The roommate saw the man and his car but cannot remember what he or the car looked like-of course!Zurphys Law is ever present.Davis’ Law says,though, ol’Murph’was an optimist!She is willing to be hypnotized.Det.Baker is my choice.


Posted : October 19, 2013 12:09 pm