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Connection between Cecilia Shepard and Cheri Jo Bates

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It was often assumed that Loma Linda student Cecilia Shepard, also a music major, had ties to music student Cheri Jo Bates. However there was often some doubts as there was no indication that CS had in fact attended classes in Riverside.

Finally found the piece: CS and CJB indeed went to the same organization – with roughly 500 miles of distance, this shows pretty accurately that both had known not only each other but most likely their killer, too. It also confirms the idea that Z had tried to get rid of the witnesses Darlene Ferrin and Cecilia Shepard. It further confirms the theory that Z had worn a mask because Cecilia, otherwise, would have had recognized him immediately.


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Quicktrader


Posted : September 10, 2022 11:28 am
Posts: 166
Estimable Member

CJB murdered in Oct ’66, Cecelia Shepard murdered in Sep ’69 – the year spread is not supportive of the thought that they interacted at U of C, Riverside.

Cecelia Shepard at Pacific Union College during the ’68-69 school year, then “more recently a senior at the University of California at Riverside”

I understand that indicates Cecelia Shepard transfered to U of C, Riverside as a senior (i.e. she was never a ‘junior’ U of C student) for

the 2nd half of 1969 (educational school years in the U.S.A. go from

the middle of a year to the middle of the following year). I assume

Cecelia Shepard may have got some ‘educational credit’ from

Pacific Union College, Angwin that she carried over to U of C,

Riverside that enabled her to be a senior there.


Thankyou for posting the article you found, QT, interesting.

Posted : September 20, 2022 1:11 pm
Posts: 1352
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“there was no indication that CS had in fact attended classes in Riverside”

Cecelia was attending college in Riverside at the time of Cheri’s murder.

Posted : September 20, 2022 8:01 pm
Posts: 166
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“Cecelia was attending college in Riverside at the time of Cheri’s murder”.


Yes, I agree TV is correct, QT. Cecelia Shepard did not attend ‘the same organization’ as you thought, QT – she apparently attended La Sierra College.

TV has let us know that would have been “at the time of Cheri’s murder” – therefore during the 2nd half of 1966.

Posted : September 21, 2022 4:11 am
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To get a better picture about Cecilia Shepard (please correct if I am wrong):

1. Cecilia’s father was a teacher at at Loma Linda University
2. In early years, Cecilia went to ‘a Loma Linda college’, most likely Loma Linda Academy (Seventh Adventist)
3. In 1966, Cecilia had attended La Sierra College at RIVERSIDE
4. During the ’68-’69 schoolyear, Cecilia had attended Pacific Union College (the year before her death)
5. “More recently”, still in 1969, she had begun to attend the University of California at RIVERSIDE again

Indeed it is unclear if she had a direct connection to CJB. However, it seems to be fact that CS had been at Riverside during the time of CJB’s murder. This gives us a better picture: More than thousands of cities/areas where she potentially could have had attended college/university but was it exactly the area where CJB had been killed – Riverside.

1966 La Sierra yearbook photo (claims ‘La Sierra University’ – college?)

Another link with a ‘room mate’ commenting in 2010 (scroll down):

According to his, CS could have known Z from at least three locations:

La Sierra High/University, Riverside.
Ramona High, Riverside?
Pacific Union, Angwin


This post was modified 2 years ago 4 times by Quicktrader


Posted : September 21, 2022 10:54 am
Posts: 166
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According to the La Sierra College Wiki,

“La Sierra College”…”was merged into Loma Linda University in 1967”.

I’m not aware of any evidence that CS went to Ramona High School, there can be found on the internet a note that CS went to a San Gabriel High School.

Posted : September 23, 2022 3:38 pm
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@buyerninety She did not go to Ramona High. At least not as long as she hadn’t gone there for any other reasons (concerts etc.); which we do not know for sure.

However it shows that CS was not coincidentially near Riverside but had definitely been at Riverside during the year when CJB was killed – with about 1,421 cities in California alone, the odds for this is 1:1,421 or 0,07%. One may decide for him/herself if it is more likely that Z had gone for a victim from that area due to her knowing Z or knowing CJB or none at all..

While I think there is a good chance that CS eg. could have had knowledge about the CJB murder – Z put on a mask so she could not recognize him, I guess – there also is a chance that CS had simply known Z and that she was another victim but had no contact to CJB at all. If so, it is likely that Z had known CS from Riverside, instead of Angwin, and that he had followed her to that area. It even is possible that CS had TRAVELLED with Z from Riverside to Angwin, just to know/see her meeting with her ex boyfriend – with a deadly result. This, however, would raise the question why he had stayed in the Vallejo area prior her murder. Still, a chaotic case.


This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Quicktrader


Posted : September 25, 2022 2:56 pm
Posts: 90
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@quicktrader Hi. If CS knew something about CJB’s murder, why would Z wait 3 years to do something about it? In my opinion CJB knew her killer well and he wasn’t questioned at all or not enough because they were close friends going back in time and right up to her death and the conclusion was drawn that he cared for her on some level, therefore he could not kill her because of their friendship.

Posted : September 26, 2022 2:42 am
Posts: 90
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Posted by: @sandiland

@quicktrader Hi. If CS knew something about CJB’s murder, why would Z wait 3 years to do something about it? In my opinion CJB knew her killer well and he wasn’t questioned at all or not enough because they were close friends going back in time and right up to her death and the conclusion was drawn that he cared for her on some level, therefore he could not kill her because of their friendship  

edited: Z said that she went willingly (because they were friends)

Posted : September 26, 2022 2:54 am
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Initial thoughts that the killer of CJB was a random military guy or Ramona worker, imo, must be put away:

Not only because of details from the confession letter but also because later ‘Bates had to die’ letters referred to her name, contained her address, included even the first name of her father. Beyond that, it also appears that he, the killer, had waited for her in the vicinity of the library, knew where she had parked her car etc.. All of this rules out any coincidence regarding her being selected as a random victim but rather confirms that he had somewhat known CJB.

Now let the mess begin with a few crazy ideas such as Darlene Ferrin knowing about the Riverside murder, her blackmailing or just receiving gifts from ‘that stranger’, as her sister had described the man; Betty Lou Jensen being her babysitter and Paul Stine frequenting Darlene’s uncles’ coffee shop near Mason/Geary (“Franks?”).

What would a killer do, if rumor is spreading that he had killed a girl, viciously, in far-away Riverside? That it could have been him, eg. the brother of one of her friends? Maybe he told it Dee by himself? And her to Betty-Lou? And Ferrin started to spread it at school? 

Now take that horrible crime in Riverside, such crimes just recently occurring in Vallejo – the whole country searching for ‘Zodiac’ with new hints that he is assumed to be responsible for CJB – this must have been someone from the Riverside area? Someone must have had done it!

Finally, let the Riverside-too girl Cecilia Shepard run into that strange guy, the one who also comes from Riverside. Accidentially, or at PUC? Or at the Angwin flea market? What if he had stressed her out in Riverside, already, some years ago, too? Or what if she had, by herself, gotten into trouble, onto his ‘list’, like he had described in the Mikado letter? Elimination time.

But in fact it doesn’t need that much fantasy: As a cheerleader, CJB had plenty of friends, that’s for sure. What I believe, is that some of those (girl) friends had brothers, too. And we all know how the relations between brothers and the sisters’ girl friends can be.

Now let such a guy ‘fall in love’ with CJB. Getting rejected for years (confession letter..); there you go with the potential toxicity to commit a murder. With him even later trying to JUSTIFY the murder in his confession letter (‘I did it because she rejected me etc.’ blabla pussy style), the ball starts rolling. Rumours, friends talking. What if it was that girls’ brother? Seventh adventist community, lots of talking there, I guess?

For what reason ever, Z moved to the Vallejo area. To take revenge? To complete his list?

We DO know that at least two victims had ties to the Riverside area – a coincidence? Or rather CS a person already known to CJB? Or let it be to Z? Had he or she molested/rejected the other one, previously?  If not knowing about the CJB murder? Does it matter, after all? 

An assumption, of course. But still, it is very clear that Z had not chosen his victims randomly:

– CS having ties to Riverside

– CS and CJB, both, studying music

– Darlene’s uncle operating the coffee shop near Geary/Mason 

– Paul Stine planning/starting his career as a journalist (SF Chronicle?) 

– Betty Lou Jensen babysitting Darlene’s child

– Victims going to the same school (PUC)

– Victims being similar age etc. 

Let only one or two of the previous points be true and the selection of Z’s victims had not happened randomly at all. 

The direct connection of Z to his victims also gets very clear after one conclusion: 

If someone kills another person, in a rural area, there is no need to wear a mask at all. Especially, when you park your car, with license plates, 200 yards away. At Lake Berryessa, Z certainly made sure that nobody else would be around before approaching his victims. Jealousy? Maybe.

And it was murder, prepares with nylon ropes.

The only reason to wear a MASK in such one-to-one confrontation is, if the person or persons to be killed would RECOGNIZE and fear the the hell of the person approaching. Z did not want to be recognised!!! 

Already knowing – very well – that the assailant would be no good at all, Z had (!) to wear the mask because otherwise CS would have recognized him and alarmed Brian immediately! A brother of CJB’s girlfriend? Possible. Already suspected, for murder, or at least being very strange? For sure.

“You here at Lake Berryessa? OMG what are YOU doing here? What do you want from me again?” Cecilia would have been very surprised. This certainly would have let CS stand up, thus spoiling Z’s attack of ‘revenge’ – on two persons with no alarming shots allowed.The only possibility to avoid that, to commit the crime: Wearing mask. Also in case one of the two would get away. 

A reason to kill? None?

Except that he had known her from Riverside. Did he know her? Yes. Why else should he talk to them, about money or car keys, if not just ‘hesitating’ to kill the person he had known for so long.

MO? No distance, either, indicating that the killer had known the victim. Stab wounds? To the breasts, groin. Revenge for sexual / romantic rejection. Like he had written in the confession letter, with regard to CJB, too. 



This post was modified 2 years ago 5 times by Quicktrader


Posted : September 26, 2022 8:48 am