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Zodiac's hood & Symbol.

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That’s nice.
Is it the Howard stuff? Isn’t it amazing how official things look typed in courier.

Posted : May 25, 2013 3:29 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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That’s nice.
Is it the Howard stuff? Isn’t it amazing how official things look typed in courier.

Are you suggesting that the cropped image is from a report faked by Howard? Lol

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : June 25, 2013 12:12 am
Posts: 955
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Blimey – he’s faked some? :shock:

Posted : June 25, 2013 12:21 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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I wouldn’t know. But from your original comment "Is it the Howard stuff? Isn’t it amazing how official things look typed in courier." it seems you may have been insinuating something lol. Care to elaborate and be more specific? :-)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : June 25, 2013 12:37 am
Posts: 5315
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Just my take, but I think Howard is a fine researcher. While he & I may come to different conclusions, I certainly don’t think he would fake anything.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 25, 2013 1:41 am
Posts: 1588
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My take on Howard is he is very honest & has no need to fake anything! I really love all the time & energy Howard has put into this case! I do realize you may not agree on his POI just like other’s POI’s, but don’t knock his research! Also, I feel it’s great when people share their research on their POI, as they are not keeping all that info to themselves. Who knows who the Z is…

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : June 25, 2013 2:14 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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My take on Howard is he is very honest & has no need to fake anything! I really love all the time & energy Howard has put into this case! I do realize you may not agree on his POI just like other’s POI’s, but don’t knock his research! Also, I feel it’s great when people share their research on their POI, as they are not keeping all that info to themselves. Who knows who the Z is…

Is that directed at me? If it is, I didn’t say, or suggest, that Howard ever has, or ever would, fake anything. I was asking Smithy what he meant by his comment in which he seemed to suggest the cropped section of a report I posted was from Howard and was not a genuine report. I never said anything in regards to Howard.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : June 25, 2013 2:34 am
Posts: 5315
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Nothing directed at you Chappie…just clearing up any misconceptions that may have arisen from any comments. I don’t think smithy was suggesting it either. ?

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 25, 2013 3:44 am
Posts: 3583
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I think Smithy’s comment was directed solely at the ‘perceived’ properties of the typeface and it’s use in such matters.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : June 25, 2013 3:54 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Gosh, I turn my back for a second and …. ??? :lol:

No, I was mistaken as usual. Although Howard turned up some good stuff about smoking as I recall, yes, it’s a police report and yes, I was thinking out loud about the typeface. (I tend to do that.) Does that juxtaposition of ideas make it look as if I think Howard fakes things? I hope not! If it does, sorry Howard!

I still think our man could have parked his silver-blue Chevy(?) up near the Kharman Ghia, near the road, without fear of it being noticed or remarked upon. No CCTV, after all, and even the girls (who obviously thought the guy they reported was a stalker and a weirdo and paid some real attention to him) couldn’t furnish enough detail on the car to enable him to be found….
As I thought, they knew the manufacturer, but not the model. I didn’t think they knew the year either, but Interestingly (perhaps!) the hand-written Snook stuff has more detail (it’s a forgery I tell you! Ha!).
It specifies a "1966-67 light blue Chevrolet with calif plates" and, presumably in an attempt to identify a model, also adds that the witness thought the car was "a 2-door and described the headlights as being long rather than round – the rear glass was tinted quite dark".
That’s pretty specific isn’t it? How do they know the year but not the model? That’s odd. Still no match though – that we know of.

Nope. My take is that any car parked up there by the lake would be just that, a plain-old car. No reason for anyone to remark on it or recall it.

Since I have time on my hands, I’ve had a long look and I’ll venture that it might have been a Nova, since the headlamp treatment does make the lamps look "long" to me – albeit vertically, rather than horizontally.
http://limitededitionvehicles.com/cars- … -sale.html

Now! (Are you still there, mother?) Back to the premise of the thread.
Why the disguise? Because otherwise Bryan or Cecilia would have recognised him. That’s my favourite thought. No, it doesn’t have to make any sense.

Posted : June 25, 2013 2:43 pm
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

No, it doesn’t have to make any sense.

Bang!, Squawk!, Thump!

That’s the sound of my reply being shot out of the sky you sneaky ………. ;) :D

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : June 25, 2013 10:15 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

I agree… the writing on the victim’s car door was his letter. "It would be easier for me to demonstrate."

Posted : June 27, 2013 10:27 pm
Posts: 217
Estimable Member

I don’t buy into multiple personalites for a second.

While I do think the hood was more for personal reasons, I think he very much intended to scare the crap out of them. I mean…he probably stared at himself in the mirror before he left admiring how terrifying he looked!

A creepy hood with a symbol on the chest, a gun and holster, a knife in a sheath and longs strips of white clothesline…would have freaked me out bigtime.

This is why I question LB as Zodiac–even with the car door. So many vast differences. Seems Zodiac’s ego would have wanted Bryan and Cecelia to know who he was…"I am the Zodiac Killer"…..(wear my buttons!)

We know Zodiac himself only used it ONCE in a letter prior to LB. Anyone know if Bryan and/or Cecelia were familiar with the "Zodiac Killer" at all? I mean, even had he said "I’m Zodiac", would they have known who that was??

Right-o. The black hood was well made to give him 100% credibility, as I believe he intended to leave B.H. alive to tell the tale, avoid being dismissed as a copycat, and, most importantly, being later identified and drive public and investigators attention away from LH and BRS. He could have shown up with a ski-mask and a white t-shirt with an Z. sign on it and be thought of as a joke wannabe. Worse yet, a ski mask, quickly associated with crime, would have prompted C.S. and B.H. to run and scream but someone with a black hood held their attention long enough to keep them put.
After SF, he relied on letters and postcards to perpetuate the myth of The Z.

"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld

Posted : June 30, 2013 12:35 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Topic starter

I don’t buy into multiple personalites for a second.

While I do think the hood was more for personal reasons, I think he very much intended to scare the crap out of them. I mean…he probably stared at himself in the mirror before he left admiring how terrifying he looked!

A creepy hood with a symbol on the chest, a gun and holster, a knife in a sheath and longs strips of white clothesline…would have freaked me out bigtime.

This is why I question LB as Zodiac–even with the car door. So many vast differences. Seems Zodiac’s ego would have wanted Bryan and Cecelia to know who he was…"I am the Zodiac Killer"…..(wear my buttons!)

We know Zodiac himself only used it ONCE in a letter prior to LB. Anyone know if Bryan and/or Cecelia were familiar with the "Zodiac Killer" at all? I mean, even had he said "I’m Zodiac", would they have known who that was??

Right-o. The black hood was well made to give him 100% credibility, as I believe he intended to leave B.H. alive to tell the tale, avoid being dismissed as a copycat, and, most importantly, being later identified and drive public and investigators attention away from LH and BRS. He could have shown up with a ski-mask and a white t-shirt with an Z. sign on it and be thought of as a joke wannabe. Worse yet, a ski mask, quickly associated with crime, would have prompted C.S. and B.H. to run and scream but someone with a black hood held their attention long enough to keep them put.
After SF, he relied on letters and postcards to perpetuate the myth of The Z.

I really don’t see how you can arrive at ‘Zodiac intended al along to let Bryan Hartnell live’ when Zodiac stabbed Bryan Six times in the back with a blade that was 12 Inches long. The reason Bryan Survived had nothing to do with Zodiac, he survived because, like he said himself, he was determined not to die out there alone, and crawled up to that road after losing so mutch blood to get help for Cecelia. Bryan’s survival need to be attributed to him and him alone, he should be held in the highest regard possible for his determination and actions that day and any attempt to credit Zodiac as contributing to Bryan’s survival is to diminish and take away from Bryan his courageous, heart-felt and compassionate actions of trying desperately to get help for Cecilia. Zodiac had nothing to do with Bryan Surviving what-so-ever!

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : June 30, 2013 12:43 am
Posts: 217
Estimable Member

I don’t buy into multiple personalites for a second.

While I do think the hood was more for personal reasons, I think he very much intended to scare the crap out of them. I mean…he probably stared at himself in the mirror before he left admiring how terrifying he looked!

A creepy hood with a symbol on the chest, a gun and holster, a knife in a sheath and longs strips of white clothesline…would have freaked me out bigtime.

This is why I question LB as Zodiac–even with the car door. So many vast differences. Seems Zodiac’s ego would have wanted Bryan and Cecelia to know who he was…"I am the Zodiac Killer"…..(wear my buttons!)

We know Zodiac himself only used it ONCE in a letter prior to LB. Anyone know if Bryan and/or Cecelia were familiar with the "Zodiac Killer" at all? I mean, even had he said "I’m Zodiac", would they have known who that was??

Right-o. The black hood was well made to give him 100% credibility, as I believe he intended to leave B.H. alive to tell the tale, avoid being dismissed as a copycat, and, most importantly, being later identified and drive public and investigators attention away from LH and BRS. He could have shown up with a ski-mask and a white t-shirt with an Z. sign on it and be thought of as a joke wannabe. Worse yet, a ski mask, quickly associated with crime, would have prompted C.S. and B.H. to run and scream but someone with a black hood held their attention long enough to keep them put.
After SF, he relied on letters and postcards to perpetuate the myth of The Z.

I really don’t see how you can arrive at ‘Zodiac intended al along to let Bryan Hartnell live’ when Zodiac stabbed Bryan Six times in the back with a blade that was 12 Inches long. The reason Bryan Survived had nothing to do with Zodiac, he survived because, like he said himself, he was determined not to die out there alone, and crawled up to that road after losing so mutch blood to get help for Cecelia. Bryan’s survival need to be attributed to him and him alone, he should be held in the highest regard possible for his determination and actions that day and any attempt to credit Zodiac as contributing to Bryan’s survival is to diminish and take away from Bryan his courageous, heart-felt and compassionate actions of trying desperately to get help for Cecilia. Zodiac had nothing to do with Bryan Surviving what-so-ever!

The Z., had he wanted to really kill both he would have gone for the jugular and wouldn’t have had to bother with a disguise either. Also, is there a record of just how deep and the location of B.H.’s five stab wounds were? Five jabs to a man to ten stab wounds on a small, frail woman sounds like intent to leave a living witness long enough to say who did it.

"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld

Posted : June 30, 2013 1:47 am
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